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Everything posted by SFTC

  1. Just wanted to add another thank you to this thread. Excellent write up. I done this without cutting the tracks or removing any springs. Pushing the mechanism in with a biro has worked a treat and only have to do it once as it stays in! Sounds ace and delighted it still has the stock look. Not too traumatic for my first outing with a soldering iron! Nice one.
  2. Thanks for the reply and the pm's with info. Much appreciated.
  3. Hi Folks, Awaiting the arrival of my new Scorpion exhaust from Tarmac... Cheers mate. Does anyone have any recommedations for a garage to fit this in or around Edinburgh? SFTC
  4. £211 sounds fantastic. I could have been eating something other than beans on toast this week if I hadn't gone to the dealership! I'll definately be in touch with an independent for the next service. Or anything else....
  5. Brilliant. Thanks guys. I'll definately get in touch with the traders on here. I'm based in Edinburgh if anyone has a local garage recommendation. ... and Dr. Austin.. I'm ot quite brave enough yet. Maybe soon!
  6. Hi all, I've owned my first Zed for five weeks now and found this site to be incredibly helpfull. Both pre purchase and since. My Zed is an 05, Blade Silver, UK GT model. Loved every minute behind the wheel. Even more so since the rear hatch squeek that appeard after a couple of weeks has been cured. .... now for the help part! The car has 49K on the clock and was due a service. I put it in to the Nissan Dealership for a P1 and plug change (as noted in the forum) and paid the rather princley sum of £420. A tad more that I was expecting to shell out! (on the form completed for the service by the dealership all the P2 boxes have been marked yet P1 written in the log book.. Is that normal)? Anyway, the pain caused by the price of the service has been dulled considerably afer being informed that the front discs are worn below the minimum level and require replacement. I was quoted £626 to replace the front discs and pads on both wheels. I've held off on getting the brakes done for now as I'm hoping this is overpriced. I'm thinking to source the discs and pads elsewhere and have them fitted at an independent garage. I'm certainly not brave enough to tackle this myself (as you'll no doubt gather from my next question)! Basically, what do I need to order? The brakes are the Brembos on the 18" wheels. I'm assuing the standard fare on the UK GT model. I found this website whilst doing a quick search at work. http://www.japanesemotorspares.co.uk/product_info.php?pName=nissan-350z-front-brake-discs-for-brembo-brakes-x-2-324mm&cName=350z-350z-z33-uk-03-to-07 Hold onto your hat. Ultimate novice question to follow... Am I right in thinking that I can order this item and this will do for both wheels or do I have to scrape my jaw off the concrete and order two of these? Likewise for the pads below. http://www.japanesemotorspares.co.uk/product_info.php?pName=nissan-350z-front-brake-pad-set-brembo-brakes&cName=350z-350z-z33-uk-03-to-07 After I get the schoolboy basics of numbers into my head I was hoping for some advice in terms of quality. I didn't mention these items in the dealership but the chap I spoke to said the quote was pricey as they use genuine Nissan parts. I was hoping for some comprehensive advice or recommendations on other companies products. I'm in no way looking to upgrade the brakes but just replace the current setup/ performance of the stock setup. Hopefully I'm not asking too much! I have had a good scout about the forum but unfortunately the techy info is still a bit too much for me at the moment. Anyway. A big hello to everyone and hopefully plenty more chat in the future! I'll try and attach a pic (but going by today I'll no doubt end up with a red x and egg on my face). S
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