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Willy P

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Everything posted by Willy P

  1. +1 eyebrows only look good with a carbon bonnet I think. Do it if you want though
  2. I Saw a GM on the same road last night. Private plate. JAZ**** I think. Another Horshamite? Didn't realise there were any more on here. Thought it was just me.....
  3. viewtopic.php?f=35&t=33329 Boom! I just fitted new pads and rotors this weekend and this guide helps immensely. The bedding in procedure is also a must (sticky in guides section)
  4. As was yours Colin. I gave it a very quick wash after fitting the new pads and rotors. Did you get the detailing stuff you wanted? Who did you say you were going to see? Would be nice to know as I want to buy some dodo juice stuff.
  5. I saw Ebized (Colin) down Old Crawley Road in Horsham earlier today, stopped and had a quick chat. I was going there to bed my pads and rotors in. I then drove away up to 60mph and braked sharply down to 10mph and did the same again all the way down the road. He must think I drive like a right weirdo, but no, bedding in procedure honest
  6. I think I'd prefer Ashes of the Wake over Wrath.... but then again, i'd prefer Burn the Priest over Ashes of the Wake Another good list there, I agree, Ashes of the Wake over Wrath, but this was just what is in mine at the mo. New American Gospel FTW! P.S. I saw Lamb of God live in Brighton in 2004 the day after Dimebag Darrel was murdered . Tiny venue called Concorde 2. As I Lay Dying were supporting.
  7. viewtopic.php?f=32&t=47699
  8. Okay, here goes: CD1: Lamb of God: Wrath CD2: Cypress Hill: Black Sunday CD3: Prodigy: The Fat of the Land CD4: Blues Brothers compilation CD5: Van Halen best of CD6: Machine Head: The Blackening Again, quite a diverse mix of musical tastes. Bit of a metal head myself Other CDs lying strewn on the floor: Led Zeppelin: The Remasters Skid Row: Skid Row Skid Row: Slave to the Grind
  9. you still using images only Zepplin? This seems a little odd. Have you misplaced your keyboard? If you have then that was terribly careless. Try looking down the back of the sofa. Most lost things end up there. Apart from this one time I lost my voice, it turned out I found it at the bottom of a large glass of brandy, slippery little bugger.
  10. Hello waseem, did you get that wrap in the end?
  11. that got me through some rough times as a young teenage boy Haha! I once was staying at my grandparents' house and ended up watching with my grandad. I would rather forget this memory but my brain is cruel. Nothing more awkward than watching something like this when you're 13 years old with your grandad. Worst thing ever was when I introduced my grandparents to my girlfriend and my grandad was telling us that on his new sky deal you could "...even get some soft porn on here...". You can't take them anywhere
  12. I like you Tim, you're weird. I quite often find that other cars aren't my own. It's a shame sometimes, like that time I went to Roman's garage on the A217, there were plenty of cars there that weren't mine, that was a shame also. The bad thing is when you see a girl who isn't your girlfriend, that can lead to problems too. Be careful with your life Tim, there are plenty of things out there that aren't yours.
  13. Ahahaha. This thread is hilarious. Not my beastie bwuv must be summet elses and ting init. I'm so gangsta sometimes it hurts.
  14. Just fitted my new one from zmanalex yesterday. Easy job and you save over £100 compared with Nissan. Genuine Nissan part as well.
  15. cheers mate it looks like I will be putting in an order then. You've used I on a GM? I thought you were part of the azure mafiosa. Also, how does one go about warming up a pot of wax? Give it a cuddle? I do have a azure but I have used it on other dark coloured vehicles with great results. Just stick it at room temp for a few hours and it is easier to apply. Okay cheers Pimm, I will give this a go. On second thoughts, I have visited the envy website and I think they're out of pruple haze, so has anyone used blue velvet? I think this pretty much a hard version of the purple haze isn't it?
  16. cheers mate it looks like I will be putting in an order then. You've used I on a GM? I thought you were part of the azure mafiosa. Also, how does one go about warming up a pot of wax? Give it a cuddle?
  17. Hello all, I washed and waxed my car yesterday (Meguiars Gold Class, then Meguiars Tech Wax 2.0). Looks really nice and very shiny but I couldn't help wondering whether it would have looked better after using DJ purple haze. Has anyone used it on their GM? If so, did it apply a faint tint to the paint? I think that would be Thinking of spending a bit of money at envy...
  18. http://www.tyrereviews.co.uk/Tyres_For/Nissan/350z.htm Should tell you everything in there dude, but as far as I'm aware, you can't go wrong with vreds. I need to invest in some myself.
  19. That is pure genius, whoever made the link between poo and nuclear disaster must be missing a few but it does explain things very well.
  20. Hello Engman, I am very early stage, I work on multiple targets but also screen different compounds in multiple experiments of varying functionality. My department (respiratory research) are still okay for the time being and no-one is losing their job, but another research department (different disease area) are either getting moved or made redundant. No outsourcing, just removal of some people and moving others to "refine strategic directions" and "co-locate" certain groups.
  21. Thought about learning a trade but I'm always getting the p!55 taken out of me for my practical skills from my mates who do work in a trade. Not a good option for me...
  22. Got it in one Cesc, thought you might have heard about it seeing as you're only up the road You know all those other scientists that have been made redundant? Pretty sure they've all gone down this route. Not to mention my Mum was a teacher and hated it so I have only negative thoughts about teaching. I can't imagine teaching something I am so passionate about to people who really don't care I did think about this but I then realised it would probably be a little boring seeing as it's probably just routine molecular work. I will look into it though I think AAAaaagggh,
  23. Well, The last couple of days have been a little interesting. The well-known pharmaceutical company that I work for are making >60% of the employees at my site redundant (as some of you may have seen on the news) . I luckily work in an area of research that will be staying, at least for the time being. The problem is we are all pretty certain that this will shut down in the mext 2-3 years and we will all be looking for jobs. Scientific research is a very specific type of job and with other pharma companies shutting sites in the UK it leaves our country absolutely saturated with unemployed scientists with nowhere to go but to change career. So now I have a few options: - stick it out and wait until I get made redundant, then look for a new job, - Look into doing a PhD and taking a pay cut, but this would mean staying in science, which could be argued is now a dead profession, at least in the UK - Retraining in a different field (I'm still quite young at 24 years) Anyway, what would you suggest? This is a shame really, I love my job, I have been doing it since I was a pup of just 19 years. I'll stop moaning now, but if you were to retrain in a different area, what would you do? Will(y)
  24. This happened to someone near me about 10 years ago. They had an argument with their neighbour so they killed the neighbour's cat and hung it from their fence post. Rough area of town though and the people who did it are in prison now I think... for something else though
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