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Willy P

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Everything posted by Willy P

  1. Does it not? Oh dear. Thanks for trying though. I think it nearly works.
  2. Cool ay? It looked orange to me but your brain puts a natural filter on it because the complementary colour for blue is orange. I assume it would be the same if the majority of the picture was red the blouse (girly) would look green. Don't you just love science? I'm such a geek, it even shocks me sometimes :'(
  3. Some people are such idiots. I hate people who deny anything being their fault. Proper numpty. Track him down and smack him
  4. I agree with you JetSet, driving around Tampa was a nightmare, especially during rush hour. I quickly learnt the "stay in lane 2" trick, in my lovely gold ford focus saloon (i.e. "stickoutlikesorethumbmobile")
  5. 1. Dunker - dunker67 2. Chersterfield - C3ALL 3. M13KYF - M13KY F 4. NEO - panead 5. Holthero - Holtehero 6. rmmackfc - V8RM 7. Andy - V6 NOS 8. Ian - Ian350Z 9. P15UL T - P4UL T 10. jimbadman - JimmyB206 11. Rentech - rentech 12. neodc - neodc1 13. rtbiscuit - rtbiscuit 14. xStric9x - xburlyx 15. sake-bito - sakebito83 16. Adriank - adriankoz 17. MrLizard - Team Lizard or TeamLizard 18. IanS16 - St0pDr0pNR0ll 19. Beavis - beavis350z 20. ARphotographs - scottish rawker 21. dcash5 - dcash55 22. Dene8 - DeneE 23. BladesGrant - Grunster1980 24. srobrien - Rossco39 25. spr1ngy - Spr1ngY 26. aka350z - ak2k 27. helimeddaz - AXEMAN999 28. Shaun1982 - ZedDrifter 29. Harman350z - II Harman XD 30. Maxi-Glasgow - Maxi1969 31. Sarnie - Sarnie 32. AndWood - xxxxxWOODYxxxxx 33. Kustard - kustard 34. IanS - ZED 350 35. Marzman - KingMarz 36. lilsheepshagga_turbo - lilsheepshagga 37, Danny 350Z - DJOR1979 38. JT1703 - JST1703 39. ian.lewkowicz - Ian1007 40. Elfman - ElfmanJDM 41. Rattusmaxim - Rattusmaxim 42. Willy P - Almightywilly
  6. Hehe, you seem to always give the best advice, I will do that next time.
  7. Okay maybe the smell was just from his crap gear changes and it was a coincidence he was resting his foot on the pedal. Anyway, he does need to shed a few pounds. But still, it's the first time I've ever felt so protective about a car.
  8. Right! I have just come on here for a little moan (again). I let my mate have a little go in my zed last night just up and down the dual carriageway and fair play to him he was pretty gentle with her. BUT!! He drove the whole way with his foot resting on the clutch pedal!! not the dead pedal!!! I could smell it burning. I told him 3 or 4 times to use the dead pedal but he kept resting it there. What a numpty Last time I'm letting him have a go! No wonder he failed his HGV Anyway, that's enough moaning for a second, I'm going to grab some lunch
  9. Willy P

    My new car!!

    I love it, You made me laugh so hard in this here silent office, I think I will be expecting a telling off for procrastination soon, Anyway, nice motor pal, I bet it shunts.
  10. Was this at night? you could always use the buttons to the right of the speedo to dim your dash lights. I personally haven't noticed this as a problem but my eyes don't work too well as it is.
  11. Really looking forwards to seeing your progress with your rebuild, that colour looks already
  12. Are you two on xbox live? if so, add me if you want, my gamertag is Almightywilly (stupid name I know but I think it's funny)
  13. Oh my god what did I miss? I was watching this and then fell asleep (hardly any sleep last night, too much alcohol and sleeping in a tent)
  14. I just threw up in my mouth... thanks
  15. Very nice indeed. Needs spacers though
  16. Hello, I just saw the thread about the azure blue zed alloy refurb and I have been thinking the same, but about a GM coupe. Which colour is best? My neighbour owns a refurb business so I get them done for £45 each corner, I may as well make the most of it ay. P.s. they are 18" RAYS
  17. Have you ever driven in the US? it's a free for all, there are about 10 lanes in every "highway" or "freeway" and no fast or slow lanes. Freaked me the £$%! out
  18. Agreed, we can't do anything here anymore because motorway lanes are always getting in the way
  19. +99999999 AAAAAaaagggghhh!!! I hate all these things, especially middle lane drivers. I was in the slow lane and catching up with someone in the middle lane so I had to go through the middle lane to the fast lane to overtake whilst keeping my speed constant. I then pulled back into the slow lane and the car sped up and overtook me whilst staying in the middle lane and slowed down again. So that's another thing I hate on the motorways is people speeding up and slowing down for no reason, especially if the motorway is empty!!! One of my friends is scared of driving in the fast or slow lane of a motorway because she's scared she'll hit either the central reservation crash barrier or the wall/barrier next to the slow lane. She's a numpty. So she stays in the middle lane because of that.
  20. I got mine bloody cheap: 53 plate Gunmetal UK car with GT pack and RAYS alloys (just been refurbed) and front bumper completely resprayed (no stone chips). FNSH, only 23k miles for £9700. Absolutely mint.
  21. I always wanted one ever since I saw one on the road. Got promoted about a month ago or just over and then decided to just do it. Best thing about it: Where I live there are no others apart from a couple of 370zs, I still haven't seen any on the road in the past month apart from 2 in my car park at work. I also bought mine because it's now or after I have children and they've left home, which seems like another lifetime away.
  22. Bloody hell, that is one hell of an expensive lighter
  23. Well, she said there were ambulances but I think I knew more than she did.
  24. Nah it's okay she's fine. You had me going for a minute though you bugger
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