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Willy P

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Everything posted by Willy P

  1. Correcto........ you can't have a plate tht makes your car look younger than it is.........you also can't buy a plate that is offensive or tamper with the spacing blahblahblah to make it look like something it isn't ........so stop playing with your ballbag and get something normal Hehe, I was only looking, I don't really want one to be honest. Just a little intrigued as to what was available. Childish I guess. My friend (ish, he's a bit of a t!t) as an S2K and its plate is S200DU, like I said, he's a bit of a boob.
  2. Actually, does your car have to be newer than the plate? I'm confused now...
  3. Funny this has come up really, I was looking on a couple of websites yesterday and you can pre-order 2011 plates. I thought I would try a few for a laugh. Basically, you can have anything you want so long as it has xx11 xxx. This got me thinking, I tried BO11 OCK, but it wouldn't let me. I also tried SH11 HOT, but that one had already been taken. They had WW11 LLL, but that was over £1k!!! My favourite though was £899.... BA11BAG. There were a couple of others that were quite good though, ME11 AMO (me llamo) which to the non-Spanish speaking of you means "my name". This would make it the ultimate personal number plate for anyone Spanish. Everyone wants their name on their number plate right? Someone with more money than me please buy that one, I think it'll be worth a lot in the future... http://www.regtransfers.co.uk/main/sear ... me11%20AMO
  4. Definitely a P1 service.... quoted £210 by Crawley Down Nissan
  5. Hello, many thanks for this, it has already had a P3 about 3 or 4 years ago so I'm pretty sure it's a P1 that's required. I will call Abbey then to see if they can fit me in. Is it worth ruining the FNSH though? AAAAAGGHHH!!!
  6. Hello all, My 53 plate 350z is due a service, it has done 25k miles now, so I think by looking at the service schedule that it is due a P1. I have looked almost everywhere on this site but I am strruggling to find a definitive answer, is it best to go to Nissan to keep the FNSH or should I go somewhere where they would possibly charge less and know more about what they're doing? Also, which are the best places to go for a service round here? (Sussex/Surrey) Many thanks in advance, Will
  7. Nah man, I used to watch it when I got home really late after a night out, it used to be on BBC I think, really funny programme, I had forgotten about it until now,
  8. 10 inches in Horsham, apparently nothing in Manchester (says my cousin). Have that northerners...
  9. I'd love to see someone being trained how to butter bread
  10. It gets worse Stew - I am sure that in subway they are 'Sandwich Artists' 'Tis true Craig, they are indeed called "Sandwich Artists", I had to interview a couple of people who had been "Sandwich Artists" for jobs at my work, needless to say I did ask some tongue-in-cheek questions; "So, talk me through how your creative role in your previous job can help with a job in science..." I was met with puzzled looks...
  11. From what I understand about shipping (not a great deal), if you are approaching a boat's port side, you have to give them rightt of way. In this instance it would be the ship with the camera's right of way. No idea how this happens though, bunch of numpties
  12. I agree with Ricey, nicest rims ever... anyone fancy buying my girlfriend? Nah, I don't blame you...
  13. Looks very nice indeed, I'm a little jealous
  14. Oh dear, it could be anywhere. I personally put mine underneath the little mat in the glove compartment behind the passenger seat. Have a little look there if you haven't already, sneaky little hiding place for it. Stops it sliding about and making an annoying noise as well.
  15. Yes mate, it was a busy day yesterday but I managed to fit it in. Worked like a dream , the window works better than before it busted. Amazing what a touch of WD40, some meths, a toothbrush and some cotton buds can do. Took me about an hour and a half as well. Well, that's saved me a few hundred quid then... I owe you a beer.
  16. Booshank, I'll give it a crack in the morning when the whisky has left me. Found a guide on 350z-tech.......... boom! http://www.350z-tech.com/forums/141-how ... motor.html I'll see how I get on with this... Not hopeful as mine wasn't playing up before but as you said it's definitely worth a go. I'll let you know what happens. Will
  17. Thanks for the help everybody, as always a nice and speedy reply. I will first try cleaning the commutator as money is a bit of an issue right now but failing that I will PM you Alex. Is it quite easy to get to the window motor? I assume you just remove the door card as I have done already and then remove the metal panel hiding behind it. Is there anything I should watch out for Doctor Austin?
  18. Well, what a 5h!t weekend this has been so far. First of all I had band practice last night and my amp blew up leading to me needing to buy 4 new valves because I have a gig tomorrow at a lovely price of nearly 100 smackers and when I got back in my car I opened my passenger window all the way down only for it to be stuck at the bottom . I have tried a few things like the window motor reset procedure but it requires the window to be fully up, which is impossible. So, I think the actual motor is fully broken. Has this happened to anyone here before? I know search is my friend and all that but I really can't find much on this, perhaps due to my lack of common sense which has been a large fault of mine throughout my life. Could anyone advise me on how I should proceed with this? Is changing an electric window motor difficult or will I have to go to my "local" Nissan dealer who is 20 minutes away with my window wide open and pay them millions of beer tokens for the pleasure? This is so annoying because there is absolutely nothing wrong with the rest of the car but I cannot use it. It's my daily drive so it's almost a necessity. Luck has not been on my side these past couple of days. I think I'll go and get pi55ed and hope for the best.
  19. Nice wheels I agree, but it says it's 2007 and it has pre-facelift bumper. I am easily confused though . Also, no headlamp washers....jap?
  20. Sorry, I wanted a chance to use this and I got it
  21. Wow! I've just noticed your number plate, my best mate has just bought a kawasaki ZX6R with the number plate GU60UNS, how cool is that? Well, I think it's cool, okay not cool, but a bit weird. He calls it GUNS as well and he thinks it's a reflection on his physique.......tw@t
  22. Hehe, NESCOT? I used to go there, in fact I finished about 3 months ago and I used to park my zed there every Thursday (from June). But no, I hadn't seen any zeds there either. It wasn't me though, I haven't been there since September...
  23. That sounds really good dude. I managed to get my insurance down to £720 after I put my girlfriend as a named driver (they obviously don't know her) You ought to post some pics as soon as you can, so we can all have a look. Mine had only done 23k as well, sounds like you got a good deal. Hope you're enjoying it. Will
  24. Man alive, if you can afford it then definitely buy it. What are you doing asking us? just do it.........if you can afford it. Looks stunning!
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