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The Bounty Bar Kid

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Posts posted by The Bounty Bar Kid

  1. I have a HR Z so I guess it would have to be flush :)

    Is black easy to colour match? At this rate, mine and AsianUK's cars are going to look the same :)


    Clown - Lol. So true! But I do have the lead at the moment! Until you get yours sorted!


    Taras - I'll see what happens with the accident, if they find anyone and if I can then go through insurance etc. If they don't find anyone on the CCTV, then I'll be getting it done privately. In that case how much would it be to supply, fit and paint the bumper to a HR zed? Oh and do you do the rest of the kit? Sideskirts, rear spats and wing?

  2. Just been to the Car Park and looked at their CCTV system. It covers my car perfectly so fingers crossed! Put in a request for them to look at the CCTV footage, just gotta wait for the manager to look on Monday and get back to me. Gonna log it with the police as a hit and run now.

  3. That's heart-breaking, after the work you put into your ZED to make it look so pristine. :console:


    Let us know how you get on about finding the culprit and what its going to cost to put right.


    Yeah I know. Been so so busy the last week (7 day straight) that I hadn't had time to clean her and was so looking forward to cleaning her today. Gonna go to the car park later and see if I can get them to look at the CCTV. Fingers crossed that they have it on tape!

  4. I would come but l don't do rain.

    And all it takes is just one of those idiots to skid and we are all suffering.

    I won't go to Portsmouth if its raining either!

    Ba humbug:( :yuck:


    No rain so shut up and come down!

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