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The Bounty Bar Kid

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Everything posted by The Bounty Bar Kid

  1. Ouch! feel for you dude! hope you find the bugger!
  2. Tarmac... Thank-you very much! Great service and great delivery. Just got home to find my one and fitted it straight away! Perfect! Cheers dude!
  3. Rang up Mark and got an answer. Now to decide what colour hoses to get, which I've started on another thread.
  4. Yeah I was thinking black would be sweet all round but down be a bit boring under the bonnet hence wondering if anyone had done it before and had pics. However if I could get silver hoses, then maybe just maybe I could get away with leaving the door handles and changing the wing mirrors to silver ones. that would also match the stock rims. Too many choices.
  5. Hi, I can only afford atm to get small bits for my car, having only just bought her. I was wondering if anybody had any pics of the HR Zed with a kit on. Looking to decide which colour is best. My Zed is black, and I have searched alot of threads but to no avail. Found lots of pics of the DE engine bays but none of the HR bays. I did also start thinking about getting the door handles and wing mirrors in the same colour as the hoses to create a colour scheme throughtout the car that I could then carry on in other places. So it's alot for me to consider as the colour I pick now will greatly affect the rest of the car as time passes on. Thanx in advance peeps! Dips
  6. Hi, I was just wondering what the cost would be of fitting a samco hose kit? Also bonnett dampers. Have you ever used any that you found particulary good? I've seen the Tein ones but green doesn't really appeal to me. Thanx Dips
  7. Let me know when they come in and I'll have one straight away please Mister Nice Tarmac Man!
  8. Ok so where is the bhp measured from that gives 313??? Then where is the bhp measured from that is given on Abbey Motorsport's Dynopack readout? And lastly how do you convert one to the other so that I can relate to it. Only used to the bhp measurements that car manufacturers quote.
  9. I've got a 2008 350z (HR). I take it that bhp at the fly stock is 313. That's what they state. Or is that bhp measured somewhere else. I don't really understand all this stuff yet. Car was remapped by previous owner. Anyways I have 282.4bhp at the hub (I assume as it was a remap at Abbey and that is the figure in the box) and 248.1 lbft. Is this good/bad??? Also how would I convert this to the bhp that car manufacturers and magazines use. That will help me visualise the increase as I am used to hearing those figures all the time. Dunno if this makes sense, I know to me it doesn't. Lol.
  10. I'd be interested in ur N1 kit. What colour is it?
  11. Thinking of getting a 12 month subscription, so wanted to know opinions before I bought.
  12. Anybody got any opinions on what magazine is better for a new 350z owner. Banzai magazine or Total Nissan? Or is there anything better out there? What are the features/reviews/cars like? Dips
  13. Guineapigs eh? Excellent. I myself am trying to cross-breed them with Chickens. I shall call them Guinea Chicks. That or PigChicks. Dunno which one is better. After that then it's onto world domination! Mwah ha ha ha!
  14. Haven't had a chance to do anything much. Since I picked it up, I went to Wales (the following day) for the weekend and have worked every day since getting back. Not got a day off until Wednesday next week. So thought this may have been an easier route than waiting til then. However I will ring Abbey or pop down there maybe on Wednesday/Thursday to have a look around and possibly a chat.
  15. AK350Z... I love you man! Thanx alot. That's just what I was looking for. Much nicer than the N2 kit IMHO. Now to just find a decent/genuine one!
  16. Has anyone got a HR 350z with the Nismo aero kit n1 or n2 fitted? Just wondering what they look like before I decide. All I know so far is that I love the spoiler but I dunno if it would look right on a stock gt kit car.
  17. Don't have the V5 as it's been sent off. Bought it off an Independant trader and was just wondering on the off chance that somebody knew. Well I've just driven it 300 miles to Wales, and my gear changes need some work. But OMG!!! It's beautiful! Drive is so comfortable and effortless. Can't wait to drive it back on Sunday now that I'm more used to the car and testing out the handling. Spent the 300 miles here trying to work out the best mpg I can get. 3/4 tank used to go that far.
  18. Hi, So I picked up my first Zed today after 8 years of lusting over it. But I was just wondering if anyone knew the previous owner. It was last serviced at the Nissan Garage in Aldershot. 2008, 57 plate. M12 PDF Black GT with Rays alloys. Remap from Abbey Motorsport and a Borla exhaust Any help would be great thanx!
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