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The Bounty Bar Kid

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Everything posted by The Bounty Bar Kid

  1. Recognise the plate. Seen u b4. can't remember where, but yeah nice car. I'm pulling ~330bhp with berks HFCs. Nice to see I could do more with decats and different air filters.
  2. Works on my laptop, on my phone but not on my desktop. Lol. All connected via the same wi-fi. On the desktop I have to connect to .net
  3. Lol. I just found it quite offensive and wrong to take photos of the ladies bits. Mind you I didn't take any photos of the ladies. Wish I had them sitting on my car. Would have been a good shot for a giggle.
  4. damn it. shouldn't have watched that. if i start dreaming about that, i'm gonna hunt u down!
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6q7CMQmrTc
  6. it's a 1928 Bentley Le Mans. worth about £100k
  7. yep. I tend to memorise number plates for fun.
  8. V3MAS (GTR) is the same one who comes to Valley Park.
  9. Wait a minute, my mistake. Misread the post. Didn't read the happy bit. Just read "how to keep a woman"
  10. So that's where I've been going wrong! I thought I just needed handcuffs, a basement and some duct tape!
  11. So I just rang up the Sutton Life Centre to see if they could see anyone hit my car. They did! Unfortunately the CCTV is pixelated. However they are going to try to marry up the CCTV footage of the person, with people who would have come into the building. Fingers crossed that they catch the f&£$%"r!
  12. Hah, don't know. I went Ace Cafe after work so I wasn't hanging around. Maybe AsianUK (His new name is too long ) as he went to the cinema yesterday? Yeah that was me. Went to go watch Dark Shadows.
  13. Japfest 2? Could be a plan. Also next time I'll try to spend more time with u guys/gals. My mate was being a bit of a track whore. Just wanted to watch people out on the track. To be honest it's probably cos he wasn't. Didn't realise it would be so uncrowded on track. Expected more cars on there at a time. Next year I'm so going on track!
  14. Ok so I bought my car back in January and have done so much cleaning that my skills have vastly improved and have starting sneezing out candles (Way too much wax)! Anyways, what I wanted to know is what stuff do people recommend? At the moment, all my stuff is Meguiars and I have come to realise that these are great for amateurs but for that professional finish, I should go for something a bit more specialist. Am willing to learn and put in all the effort and hopefully eventually be able to work up to handling an orbiter. From initial research I'm thinking Dodo Juice, but I don't know much about them, or Zymol, or Autoglym. How do people rate these brands? Or is there something else I should try? Had a look at the Zymol site and they do a kit with everything in. Not sure about the others. What I am looking to achieve is the great protection for my car with great results. I have time to wash my car from twice a week maximum to once every two weeks minimum. Thanx for the help in advance peeps. Looking forward to hearing what you have to say.
  15. If anyone would like some of the pics, then PM me ur e-mail address and I'll send it over to you! Oh and let me know if you just want JPEG or RAW or both.
  16. Edited... Album can be found here if anyone would like some pics for themselves. 151 in total so lots I didn't put on. http://s1259.photobucket.com/albums/ii551/Asianfuk/JapFEST%202012/
  17. It's probably ok. They didn't weigh much. Tested that first before trying to get them in my boot. However I would check that ur car didn't catch an std or something. Also check for any scratches in the paint from "private" piercings... They didn't have any, however one of them did have crabs. Haven't stopped itching since Saturday. What were they advertising? My first guess was STDs and through my own fault, I can probably confirm that if they weren't they should be! Lol. Just kidding.
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