You read the stories?
Only when all the other pages were stuck together....
Lol. Mine is definitely a lady. I do enjoy taking her out every now and then for spanking. And when she's been naughty I spank her even harder. I'll tell you one thing, no man could ride her like I do or as hard as I do. Some days I just stare at her sexual curves and something stirs inside of me that I just have to have her then and there. Oh the endless nights I dreamt about her and even now she's in my possession, the dreams just carry on. Sometimes I wake up in a sweat. Yep the dreams have been that good!
Oh how I love to get her all wet and then give that dirty girl a damn good scrubbing so she sparkles and looks her best for me. Then I give her a damn good polishing off and end with covering her all over with my special natural wax.
Lol so so true!