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The Bounty Bar Kid

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Everything posted by The Bounty Bar Kid

  1. I don't trust the trip computer so use the old fashioned way. Maths. Mine gets 25 mpg.
  2. Dunno about you guys but my Zed was getting so much attention in France. Never experienced anything like it!
  3. Really? Houx is the best on site campsite. Why don't you like? Need to be nearby so you can have the lovely car soundtrack whilst you sleep!
  4. viewtopic.php?f=92&t=58820 Check it out. Most we've had is 9 zeds. Slowly taking over the car park! Ps welcome!
  5. Camp or stay at home dude. Men need the outdoors like catholic priests need young choir boys! I'm going again anyways. Would be nice to be part of a zed convoy. Houx or houx annexe only though.
  6. Thursday, saw a black 370z roadster with some tvrs outside a petrol station on the way to le man's Thursday afternoon, saw a 07 plate dark grey 350z at turn off just before a toll road on the way to le man's. Beeper my horn. No reply or any kind of acknowledgement as I pulled up beside you at the toll booths. Shame on you! Friday afternoon ~ 6-7pm. Watching all the cars passing through spinning their wheels down the road outside the track. Saw a red 04 plate 350z.
  7. Definitely brightened up my morning reading this! Lol.
  8. What about ugly guys in zeds? Would you wave at me?
  9. Well when I was looking at a 370Z (before I got the 350Z), I got told that they and the GTR now come under their performance centres. That was from the Croydon and Bromley Nissan dealerships. However that was with regards to Sales only. Not sure if it extends to servicing but I don't see why not.
  10. Unfortunately I have to leave on the Saturday night. Gotta get back to work on the Sunday, or no one in the company will get paid at the end of the month. Has to be in by Monday morning. Bloody gits! :@
  11. 370 has to go to Bromley. Can only go to their performance centres.
  12. Houx Annexe, shame. Was at the Houx last time I went back in 08.
  13. I think I'm at the Houx too! Waiting for my mate who booked it to confirm. Look out for the Black Zed with "The Bounty Bar Kid" written down the side of it.
  14. Woo hoo! He's on the move again! So wished I had him this week so I could go show him the delights of Le Mans. Ah well. I wonder what I'll do with him when I get him! Nice job Stew!
  15. Changed it once. Twice....we forced you to change it the first time! Fair play, but only one letter was taken out to make it less rude, so it may have changed but only changed a very small amount.
  16. not over here! Would have been great if it was lifted. Cleaned car and waxed her twice already.
  17. Changed it once. Some people are easily confused Simpletons!
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