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The Bounty Bar Kid

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Everything posted by The Bounty Bar Kid

  1. Looks yummy! I want one! Click me for link
  2. NSFW??? Not suitable for women???
  3. Yeah I got side tracked by the bikini babes too!
  4. Wimbledon starts this week, bet you didn't realise. To be honest, we didn't. Normally we'd have known about it for months, but not this year. We've just been too busy. We've been frantically waving plastic flags and nibbling on badly-made cakes in honour of dear old Liz. Then of course a large chunk of us have been busy cheering on England in the Euros. It's hard work coping with the repeated cardiac arrests brought on by following this country's surviving national team as they enjoy ongoing victory/suffer humiliating failure (delete as applicable, depending on when you read this). Then, of course, there's the Olympics. We've been busy panicking about whether or not London will actually be able to cope with the impending influx of visitors keen to experience this rather expensive and drawn-out version of sports day in all it's glory. So we just haven't had time to spare a thought for poor old Andy Murray. And even within the Tennis world, Wimbledon's going to have to go a long way to beat the Queen's final when that man with the long namewas disqualified for kicking a line judge. Andy will have to fire a baby out of a cannon and into the crowd or something. Anyway, for what it's worth, enjoy the Tennis. If you're not too busy.
  5. spelling mistake in video. you wrote ment, should be meant.
  6. Just got quoted £1400 for Directline! 30 years old, no points, no accidents, 10000 miles / year 5 years no claims WTF??? At the same time I got a quote from Esure for £600. What planet are they on? Ah well, 2nd quote of the night, on to some more!
  7. If he could fit it there with no issues, then I'd be very interested. Wouldn't smash on the speed bumps and look great with the bodykit I want to get!
  8. No - didn't read the code. Will make sure to read it if i comes on again. hope it wasn't anything serious, but yes next time read the code don't just clear it. The Tool has spoken.
  9. It's an 80 litre tank! Didn't realise that. Most I've ever filled is 58 litres. Don't like hitting the redline so fill up at quarter tank or at most just before the redline. Maybe something is wrong with my gauge.
  10. You should check out the sexy one in the Times square car park opposite BHS!
  11. House or Hard House or Trance or Hard Trance or STEPS
  12. He loves it when his tool box is rammed full of tools. The more the better!
  13. Seriously, we've seen these things flying around for decades so there's no sense pulling the wool over our eyes. We know they're out there. They've been in films & TV and everything. They've been on Blue Peter, James Bond had one, even Lee Majors had one in the Fall Guy and he was rubbish. Point is, in the time since the Jetpack was invented we've all got sat navs, mp4 players, smart phones. It's only fair we get Jetpacks. Surely the cost has come down enough for us to afford them? Remember when the DVD came out? Twenty Quid, now they give them away in newspapers. Well the Jetpack has been around for ages and yet here we are, a society without Jetpacks. Is this some sinister govenment conspiracy. Is there a colossal warehouse filled with mint condition Jetpacks still in their boxes that we are not allowed to have? Write to your MP. They keep banging on about how there's too many cars on the road. Well this is the best solution. Demand a Jetpack. Because we deserve it. And Because, let's face it, they would be just AWESOME!
  14. Last time I was off sick was back in 06 and that was because the company doctor told me to take time off. Otherwise I would have kept going. I get up to 20 weeks full sick pay a year, but I don't touch it!
  15. Wait a miniute! Where is the article on this? This can't be right. I know all my staff will suddenly decide to go ill whilst on holiday then.
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