Seriously, we've seen these things flying around for decades so there's no sense pulling the wool over our eyes. We know they're out there. They've been in films & TV and everything. They've been on Blue Peter, James Bond had one, even Lee Majors had one in the Fall Guy and he was rubbish.
Point is, in the time since the Jetpack was invented we've all got sat navs, mp4 players, smart phones. It's only fair we get Jetpacks. Surely the cost has come down enough for us to afford them? Remember when the DVD came out? Twenty Quid, now they give them away in newspapers.
Well the Jetpack has been around for ages and yet here we are, a society without Jetpacks. Is this some sinister govenment conspiracy. Is there a colossal warehouse filled with mint condition Jetpacks still in their boxes that we are not allowed to have?
Write to your MP. They keep banging on about how there's too many cars on the road. Well this is the best solution. Demand a Jetpack. Because we deserve it. And Because, let's face it, they would be just AWESOME!