You will just have to raise the bar (pun intended)
Remember using a feather is kinky....
Using the whole chicken is perverted
As mentioned before, I have enough trouble talking to them, so now this!
So on my way home tonight, I was driving through Purley. Got to the traffic lights outside the Pizza Express and had my windows open as usual.
(No music on and so I can listen to the gorgeous exhaust note! )
Anyways, three people standing outside the said Pizza Express, noticed my forum name on the car (had it on since Le Mans and love the look of it) and then proceeded to comment on how nice the car is. One thought it was an AUDI then the other said it was a PORSCHE.
Oh the look on their faces when I told them that it was a NISSAN... PRICELESS!!!
Get the 350 hr engine now, better looking car. And then in a years time dump a supercharger or turbo in it with the money you'd have saved on a 370. Bob's your uncle, better looking car and better performance too!
A toaster
Not just any old toaster. A 7" toaster with a quad core processor, 16GB storage, 1GB RAM, 720p screen and android 4.1 jellybean. And it's only £199. Oh and it doesn't make toast. So quite a pointless toaster, but good at other stuff.