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The Bounty Bar Kid

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Everything posted by The Bounty Bar Kid

  1. Google maps now has a feature where you can set an area. This area downloads onto your phone and auto updates every 30 days so you can use it offline. Much better than co pilot IMO. Purchased the European maps version of co pilot and loved it but then when I heard about this, tried it and never went back.
  2. Posted in wrong section btw
  3. Buy a decent headunit, or upgrade the speakers. If you're going to go back to the Bose headunit make sure you buy one that's been unlinked from the original car. They're all coded to the ECU.
  4. Spam is spam. Also love how you were commenting on Green room posts thinking they would help you. They won't. Green room posts don't count
  5. Woken up to find loads of old threads having new posts added to them by a certain person trying to up their post count
  6. A simple Google of the wording from eBay brings you this item sold on eBay... https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F392130209188
  7. Dunno if anyone else has heard a out this, but I think this is quite interesting. Variable compression turbo. Low compression for when you need power, high compression for when you need economy. https://www.slashgear.com/2019-nissan-altima-secret-weapon-under-the-hood-29548147/
  8. Here's my exhaust with the Berks HFCs You can see what it looked like here...
  9. Ark grip sounds amazing. Always loved the sound of that on other cars.
  10. It is louder than stock but not terribly. I sold the zed to pay towards my wedding and now drive a Qashqai. Yep family planning time. One day I'd love to get my old zed back.
  11. I had the legalis r and my bum never burnt. Beautiful sound, especially when married with Berks HFCs.
  12. Rare as anything but great if you can find it.
  13. You do know that you have to unregister the hu from the car before you can then use it in another one. Every Bose unit is linked to the ECU. So it's not just as simple as plug and play.
  14. Oh really. My bad. Thought it'd be the springs.
  15. If you're going to track it, I'd suggest going for coilovers. I had teins and it made my car feel wallowy. On the road she was fine at high speeds just not on track.
  16. https://www.thenational.ae/uae/transport/exclusive-dubai-tourist-who-racked-up-dh175-000-in-fines-in-rented-lamborghini-finally-pays-speeding-tickets-1.760654 He finally paid. Well some of it. They agreed on a discounted rate.
  17. Only got himself to blame. I don't think he should be allowed to get away with it.
  18. Oh wow. What an excuse! How pathetically stupid is this guy? Kinda figures with this next quote "He is out of work at the minute and went to Dubai to visit friends." Who goes to Dubai when they're unemployed?!? Anyways here is the link... Welsh tourist 'stuck in Dubai' over £36k speeding fine https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-45119366
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