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The Bounty Bar Kid

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Everything posted by The Bounty Bar Kid

  1. Our lovely Keyser lives near or in Bournemouth if I'm not mistaken.
  2. Always loved the big fight scene in the Matrix. Always a classic.
  3. Are you running just winter tyres on the rear? And not on the front?
  4. I had the ds2500 pads. Bit of brake dust but performed well.
  5. Saw that bit but was wondering how Jay84 did it as he wouldn't have had that information.
  6. How did you figure that out? I'd love to know where abouts in the country my old zed currently is in. I tried the mot portal and it just supplies the mot number.
  7. +1 on T2. Sorry Alex, didn't realise you sold stuff like that. Thought it was just OEM car parts. R dumolo, Alex is definitely someone you can trust and buy from.
  8. I had ferodo pads and DBA discs. They were great for fast fast road driving. I think people nowadays recommend StopTech. I'm sure some others will give their opinion. What's your budget? Have a look at what Cougar Store offer. Great place to buy from and they don't stock anything you should avoid. I'm sure others here are good to buy from, but I only ever got my brakes from CS so can't comment. Other traders which are still very good are Horsham Developments, Torquen, and Tarmac Sportz.
  9. Not really. It's there to help protect potential buyers. Imagine buying off someone with just a few posts only for them to run away. It can happen with those with lots of posts but less likely. This is a community and trust must be built. Great community IMO.
  10. What's your driving style? Are you a casual driver, a fast road driver or do you take it out on track? Casual driver, I'd say just go normal. Fast road, I'd say go slotted. Personally I don't like the idea of drilled as it can weaken them. For fast road and track I'd recommend changing from brembo to something else. But this depends on your driving needs.
  11. Just use some really strong tape. I used wing mirror adhesive tape. Halfrauds number plate stuff won't do.
  12. NY times printed it as real so dunno. https://www.nytimes.com/2000/02/20/automobiles/audi-offers-tt-fix-after-5-deaths.html Your explanation was nearer to want they've said.
  13. And will it hold up under force as it's doing 200mph? Or will it just crumble. I seem to remember the original Audi TT alloys wheels buckling at 70mph on corners due to being made incorrectly and the wrong strength required calculated. They had to recall them all as the cars would just flip.
  14. Oh wow! So did they think a BMW 318 has 318 bhp? What about the Peugeot 1008? Imagine that with 1008bhp
  15. You can buy bricks with the Ferrari emblem on them? ... Where from?
  16. Wow oh wow. This is something else. So much want . Want do I have to do to get someone to buy me one of these??? https://www.dezeen.com/2018/10/29/ferrari-windshields-monza-sp1-sp2-sports-car-design/
  17. One off only. So not even available to buy over the pond.
  18. https://www-topgear-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.topgear.com/car-news/modified/nissan-has-built-one-400bhp-370z?amp_js_v=a2&amp_gsa=1&amp#referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s Not bad, shame they don't manufacture it and sell it as an dealer option.
  19. Unless your car is immaculate when you put on the cover, why bother. Any little bit of dirt will scratch it as the wind moves the cover around.
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