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The Bounty Bar Kid

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Everything posted by The Bounty Bar Kid

  1. Changed it in your text that I quoted. This is what is written 300 hp with hardware and tune DE revup 2006-2007 296bhp (also consumes more oil Not sure about this bit. Thought it was just the DE not Revup that consumed more oil) HR 2007 (57)-2009 313bhp standard? up to 335 bhp with hardware and tune
  2. That's actually wrong. Corrected for you. Be careful though as Zmanalex said. Not all bonnet bulge cars are HR engined. Neither are all 57 plate onwards. Best way is to check engine bay. It'll have 2 air intakes.
  3. Sometimes it's not about you but others. I can park very well. However recently I had to swerve to avoid a car hitting me whilst she was taking a corner too wide. I ended up hitting the kerb a little bit. It was either that or a smash and my bumper and headlight going.
  4. Apparently the companies have issued software patches to prevent this from happening.
  5. Apparently you can remotely take over these cars. Security not as good as advertised. BBC News - How to hijack a car via its smart alarm http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-47485733
  6. Keith Flint, from the Prodigy found dead this morning. Loved their music. Sad times. BBC News - The Prodigy's Keith Flint dies aged 49 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-47442312
  7. https://www.allstarcard.co.uk/this-matters-fuel/fleet-news/supermarket-fuel/ This link pretty much agrees with everything said. Petrol is petrol. No matter where you buy it from. However they add additives in branded. Even the basic ones. So not just v power. Do these additives make a difference? No one knows as the evidence so far has been inconclusive. So some says yes, some says no. It's like is mineral water or tap water better for you IMO.
  8. Mk IV Golf R32 says in it's manual that if you fill up with 95 Ron it'll only give 220bhp. Yet with 98 RON it'll give 240bhp. (I think these are the figures it claims. Remember reading it when my brother bought his R32 back in 2006. Very close to it if I am wrong). With regards to V Power Vs Momentum... I very much doubt it's a complete con otherwise there would be scientific proof of it done by someone. Even if it's does just help maintain my engine better, it's got to be worth it. People use Redex all the time to "clean" their engines or get their engines flushed. Maybe I'm just gullible. Who knows???
  9. Currently shell v power where I live is 19p per litre more expensive than Tesco normal petrol. So a full tank would cost £15.20 more to fill up with v power. Notsure what the cost of Tesco 99 is, my wife fills up her 206 with Tesco normal and I fill up the Qashqai with v power. Doesn't need it but I truly believe in the benefits it brings. Treat your car right and it'll last longer. Looking back over my old fuel economy figures on the zed and on the assumption of doing 10,000 miles a year. It will cost you £434 extra to fill up with v power over Tesco normal petrol. It's a 30k car, so needs a bit of extra love IMO. That and £434 over a year for a car doing 10,000 miles is not too bad.
  10. Don't bother with the Bose and just buy an aftermarket head unit.
  11. Have you unlocked/uncoupled it from the ECU?
  12. On Channel 4 just now on Famous and fighting crime.
  13. I've used MTEC brakes before and they seemed a good deal. Not used them on the Zed though. Just totted it up and it comes to £310.24 for 4 grooved mtec discs with their protective coating, 4 brembo pads and some free copper grease. I always went for grooved due to potential issues with drilled ones cracking. Not sure if this still happen but I remember it from when I was a younger pip.
  14. Burn it, bury it and never speak of it again!
  15. If I did that, I don't think I'd have a wife anymore
  16. Ever realised that if you rearrange the letters in wife, add a few and swap the rest it spells out dictatorship???
  17. Wow just wow! So much want. Asked the wife and she said no.
  18. GTR definitely in that range. Starts at 27,500 http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201811132389965?atmobcid=soc3
  19. I get your Porsche thing but they're great to drive. For the Lotus, for 2007 onwards, I think you're looking at the Evora. Not too keen on them personally. How about something different like this... Alfa Romeo 4C (this does mean going for a stretched budget like the R8) http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201812123186261?atmobcid=soc3
  20. Despite what it states on the invoice, maybe you've honestly got confused with what it said or maybe the dealer told you porkies. But the Nissan information gives out never said it's scratch proof.
  21. https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://cdn.dealereprocess.org/cdn/brochures/nissan/2013-370z.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjhgJLPsZfgAhWxuXEKHZCiCVsQFjABegQICBAB&usg=AOvVaw0uhwm_9-czuHDxyNa1TihB&cshid=1548915974706 Scratch shield technology in the spec brochure And in the original blurb brochure https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://www.wilsonsofrathkenny.co.uk/newmodels/370z_pdf_brochure.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwi7xuLuspfgAhVIWxUIHZbLBT4QFjAAegQIBBAB&usg=AOvVaw2N2wA56Uo_KSOwCpkAY0p0
  22. Wow you really haven't been in years have you? It is good but it's been around for ages. That second bit anyways.
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