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The Bounty Bar Kid

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Everything posted by The Bounty Bar Kid

  1. https://www.formula1.com/en/latest/article.breaking-news-f1-legend-sir-stirling-moss-dies-age-90.4DnxFpiKWbe2B2ViqYIL5y.html Great guy, great driver. Big loss to Motorsport
  2. I'd rather walk into a jail, wearing a pink tutu and holding an economy sized tub of KY than have one of them
  3. Yeah I got that update too. Seems stupid.
  4. I'm still going to work. I work for a complex needs home. Basically for people 18+ who have spinal and or brain injuries/diseases, acquired or inherited or born with. It's basically a step down from a hospital. Way above a normal care home. Been in contact with the NHS to take some of their ill to free up their beds. We are even setup to take ventilated patients. Have to be very careful, some would die if they caught Covid 19 as they have pretty much no immune system
  5. Snap, I'd also do it to those who stole from the elderly. It's a shame this virus didn't just kill the stupid. I'd be fine with that.
  6. I'm just here for the bants but would love to get another one sometime. Sold mine to pay for the wedding. No other reason.
  7. I think that all flat earthers need to be shot. Don't want their stupidity diluting the gene pool. It's bad enough as it is.
  8. Looking good... Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUDE!!!
  9. Purchased the Panasonic DP-UB820 4k blu ray player the other day and put The Matrix on to test it one of my favourite comparison scenes. Although all it showed to me was how my current 5.1 setup needs to be replaced. Will be getting a 5.1.2 system in the new year. Favourite movie of 2019, Avengers: Endgame, even though it always makes me cry Not sure about favourite scene or best one to show off my current system.
  10. Edited... Realised you'd already noticed the outstanding finance
  11. I had Michelin pilot alpin on mine. Pa4 I think is the current one. One word AMAZING! I was able to do very stupid stuff even in snow. In the cold it was as if I was driving in the summer but with my MPSS tyres on.
  12. Already gone through 3 boxes of Kleenex
  13. https://www.pistonheads.com/news/ph-japanesecars/new-nissan-370z-finally-in-development/41207 They say maybe a 3.0 V6 twin turbo. That'd be nice
  14. Buy a Bluetooth one. No need to run it physically to your phone.
  15. Seems pointless buying a Mustang if it isn't the V8. It's like people who buy a 318 with the msport kit
  16. Relisted item says sold for 6k. If it went for that, then would be a steal!
  17. Owner's name is Bill Purcell and work was done at Horsham Developments so give them a call. Sometimes, just sometimes junction 17 aren't bad. I sold my 350z to them as they offered the right price. Nothing wrong with it.
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