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About tequilaprince

  • Birthday 30/11/1977

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  1. Cheers for all the suggestions, I'm going to get it looked at with the next service, it's not loud and quite likely normal.
  2. It does make a faint sound when in Neutral with the clutch up, no sound when the clutch is in. No sign of an after market filter but I'll have a better look when the rain stops 350 posts... either it's a night of spamming or I put my hand in my pocket
  3. As this is now in the noobie section is there a 350z forum car sticker I can get my hands on.. need a replacement for the dodgy garage one they put in there!
  4. Cheers for the fast replies! It's there in all gears but as you move up the box the wind noise tends to take over. Having said that if you put you're foot down in 4th you'll still hear it... that is until the glorious ROAR takes over!
  5. I picked up my 350z last weekend after wanting one since they were launched and the wait was worth it!! 56 plate Gunmetal GT. I've only done a couple hundred miles in it so far but have noticed a 'noise'.. it may be completely normal but I've read a few posts on here about gearbox bearings and the like... It's only really noticeable at lower speeds/rev's as it's not overly loud but it sounds like the old AM radios used to sound back in the day.. when you accererate you get a 'whirring' sound. Only happens when accelerating, so no noise if cruising or idling on the drive. It's my first proper 'sports car' (as my 2 year old son likes to call it) so that may just be down to the larger than average engine and all the machinery that's needed to keep her tame enough to drive... anyway... if you have any idea's please let me know Cheers!
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