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Everything posted by Strube77

  1. Thanks for the reply's guys. Im currently with bell.co.uk and things have not gone so well with the Evo claim so wont be talking to them again. I have got a quote from Admiral for £830 which is down from £1000! Thanks Austin, I have just read the Chriss Knott thread in the insurance section which is extremely helpful and will def be giving them a shout. Tried Directline as my Fiancee has been with them for years but they couldnt do any better than £1000. Hey Unabashed, I'm 29 this month , have held a full license for over 10 years, no fines or tickets and only the 1 accident in five years, I did have 7 years NCB until the accident and lost 2 because of it but Bell only take up to 5 years into account which has me down to 3 with them. Not sure if I will have 3 or 5 when I move companies?
  2. Good morning all, I'm looking to buy a 350z. I have found one locally, blue, fnsh, 77k on the clock for a 10k price tag but I'm having trouble finding a decent insurance quote for it. I wrote off my Evo4 in February which has left me with a measly 3 years no claims and yet I'm getting cheaper quotes for an Evo9 than a 350Z (£1000)? Do any of you guys have any suggestions for decent insurance companies I could approach? Cheers all. Jon
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