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Everything posted by RisingPower

  1. I think they're the only jdm company to manufacture bbks? Seems most people have them for that reason alone.
  2. Personally, I still like the looks of the rotora 12 pot the most, but stoppies seem to be the most practical for use. Just a shame there doesn't ever seem to have been anything about their carbon ceramic planned kit. http://my350z.com/forum/brakes-and-susp ... ead-6.html
  3. Lots of people don't spin on mixed tyres y'know, it's not instant crash and burn.
  4. Nah, zed is fairly sensitive, ze912s couldn't cope with slight cornering in wet conditions at 20mph, like, as gentle as corners get. 452s are ok, can't say i've got them unsettled except under heavy braking, stupidly not in a straight line.
  5. I found the ze912 falkens were atrocious, fk452s are fine though unless you're really pushing them a bit.
  6. 12s at the rear? You're just silly
  7. They come in 18x8 and 18x9 apparently, no 19s. They have pretty lousy offsets and on a brief glance I can't find much info on them, rarerims is your best bet. They're work meister copies btw, but I think they stopped doing them ages back, think one member here has them though In 19"s those would be more than double that amount easy unless you can find some second hand.
  8. Mine are nothing like as wide as docwras, think you'll struggle to find many that are.
  9. Pah, it's still an awesome suit and he has a shitload of style That suit, or a black/charcoal suit from asda
  10. I want dave koz's grey suit. It imo looks awesome. http://www.zimbio.com/pictures/hrj9qPyF ... J/Dave+Koz
  11. Ahh, sorry, the havoc-shittastic kit right? Looks like it has better wheels than your r34 at least
  12. Went ep3, m3, then 350z. Tbh, an ep3 is a lot of fun down b roads, it's a fantastic car for that type of roads, very chuckable, imho lovely gearchanges and everything feels very direct. Drive the same way in the zed, you will be sideways, you will hit something. Imho, The 350z is a bit more of a compromise for all types of road, it's much heavier, it's less practical and tbh I seem to ground out surprisingly often That said, I like the torque in the zed, I love the sound of the zed, I much prefer the way it looks and it is a bit quicker. I do have memories of the ep3 putting a big smile on my face, but got a little bit less keen on the understeer and tyre scrabbling in the end.
  13. I know ian was considering switching his r34 for a failside kitted z
  14. If you're buying rays, imho you're buying them for performance, not looks. Though, I guess it is fairly cheap to get them sprayed compared to buying a set of rotas.....
  15. Axis hiro/super hiro, probably the latter
  16. I think ferodos are reg 90 compliant, but i'm really not sure how significant that is. Personally, I wonder whether you'll still have issues with the ebc discs.
  17. Both of them aren't for power gains, but noise. The cai stillen version may possibly have very slightly more power at speed? If you're buying it for noise, why are you interested in performance? (i think the stillen sounds much better)
  18. Personally, I think any ebc products are tripe, after the pads I had which crumbled and had no initial bite, lots of vibration with some heat in them and quite a few pictures i've seen of them shearing the pad from the backing plate. Grooved discs are a bit noisier (i notice it on the dixcel fcr slotted discs). I think the biggest complaint on ebc discs has been the number with wayyy too much runout. You bought cheap ebc discs and cheap pads, seems like a bad idea to me. Pfc discs and pads is a combo i'd love, but tbh, dixcel make some very good pads and discs, the stoptech discs are ok (they're actually just chinese rebranded discs in the case of the non aerorotors iirc), ferodo ds2500s are good too, got them on the rear. There's no way i'd go back to oem, they're really spongy compared to dixcel and ferodo. Pfc may be overkill for a non track car though.
  19. Really? I mean really? Losing control of your car? Do you realise just how much torque some cars have at 1.8k? A z06 vette will pull away from 0 in 6th let alone at 1.8k. If you're not moving much and you're stuck in traffic, the only thing you'll be needing to do is brake, not accelerate, admittedly there's less engine braking when in 6th, but from that sort of speed, it's not going to make that much odds. I think also, you'll find it doesn't take particularly long to change gears.
  20. Do you honestly stay in 2nd doing say, 30-40 in traffic? I just don't see the point in revving at 3k+ everywhere, especially when you're barely moving. Country roads with no traffic, well that's what the other 3.5k revs are for.
  21. In traffic what the eckin peck is the point in being at 4k everywhere? Imho whatever gear is right for the situation, not the speed.
  22. I doubt they're that bad. Like 36mpg combined apparently and this is mainly dual carriageways, which at extra urban is closer to 50mpg. It's easy to get 24-25mpg in the zed and not so hard to get 35mpg either.
  23. My guess is if he can only get 29mpg out of a corsa vxr, it must be pretty much constntly on boost. You drive any car but a derv like that, there's no way you'll get good mpg.
  24. Rados aren't even particularly expensive, in fact some of the most expensive watches are a lot more understated.
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