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Everything posted by RisingPower

  1. I'm really liking that Any ideas how much lower it is in the middle? Just I'm wondering about lowering and don't have much clearance currently over a hill and these look to be quite a sensible drop.
  2. It is pretty important for rigidity of the chassis. I'm guessing it may be a bit wobbly without it.
  3. If it's the brace just behind the gasket on the y-pipe here shaped like an M, it's the M chassis brace. Only found this out as I was wondering what the plastic covers above it were actually for. http://my350z.com/forum/media-share/250 ... z-pic.html
  4. It was... an interesting proposition on track. At brands I felt the brakes were pretty not good at all. You do have to turn off the silly nannying esp though to have fun imho. The main reason it's so bleedingly awful around town/slow driving is the completely unnecessary clutch delay valve. Means you just jerk around everywhere even with perfectly smooth shifts. I felt much, much more body roll in the M3. It is a great all rounder, but I found it tries to be too many things to too many people. I'd prefer an unrefined, louder, more involved car with less body roll and less weight, i.e the csl Either that or I'd have something like a vette in the same category (price wise, I think)
  5. I found the M3 to be a compromise for all roundedness. It's faster, but it doesn't feel as involved and it's horrible to drive slowly. I did like the raspy exhaust for a while, but then started to loath it. For me it always felt like an autobahn cruiser rather than a b road car. It is a big heavy saloon at the end of the day. It just didn't tick my boxes, but then it may well work for others.
  6. I'm not sure I agree with you there. http://forum.e46fanatics.com/showthread.php?t=216978 Still, fixed it with a bit of silicone
  7. Sure, the M3 may be quicker in a straight line and faster around a track than a 350z providing the same driver, but I know which I find more fun in. Maybe it was just me but the amount of roll in the M3 is awful and the standard brakes weren't up to much either, what's more I hated their stupid clutch delay valve and was always concerned about something big like vanos going. Much prefer the Z, feels far more connected and involved (to me at least). Just my 2p.
  8. I was just wondering whether if you were to add the plenum spacer whether it would count as another mod, since it is technically changing the manifold, can't see anything else vaguely related on admiral.
  9. Thought it was cheap, but £80 seems a bit steep? Interestingly, on one online quote it seemed adding a bodykit decreased the premium. Go figure.
  10. I toyed with the notion of sat nav in a double din unit, but the cubby hole above the double din is too convenient and saves you having the faff of worrying about the handbrake cables etc. Also, the only sat nav double din unit I've seen sub £600 is the JVC KW-NX7000. Love the pioneer avh3100dvd I've got and think it suits the Z perfectly, personally I'd get the newer version below and just stick a sat nav in the cubby hole above: http://caraudiosecurity.com/shop/produc ... 12878.html
  11. Was only £12.50 for changing to nismo on mine with admiral, surprised that elephant charge admin fees, ah well
  12. I was considering the greddy evo2 before I settled on the nismo, IMHO the greddy evo2 looks great and sounds great in videos it's in and everyone at my350z seems to between the hks hi power and the greddy evo2. It's not cheap though, only place I could find it in the uk was http://www.turbomatrix.co.uk/product_in ... z-03-17424. IMHO the greddy evo2/HKS Hi Power look far nicer than the K1.
  13. Crrikey, NA and 5.1? Just how much was it making NA?
  14. The problem is, I've settled on the advans in gunmetal in 19" before now, so it's just a question of just saving until I can get them. Volks are really, really nice, but the GTS's which I also really like look like a maintenance nightmare and they're quite heavy, unlike the RS. Oh and I'd also be copying other people here if I went with GTS
  15. Well, there's a set of 19x10's w et/15, so it would be 19x10 et15 all round. http://www.gtr.co.uk/forum/140420-advan ... -et15.html http://www.gtr.co.uk/forum/101173-volk- ... -rs-2.html. Looking at tyre sizes, maybe I could go 265/35 front, 285/35 rear but iirc 265 is a bit stretched on 10j. It's just not really brilliant for tyres at all (I'd also probably end up refurbing them gunmetal) Think I may just wait until I can get 19x9 et22 and 19x10 et15. Ah well, was a nice thought while it lasted
  16. Just I was looking at the brembos and they have maybe a tadge less than 1cm clearance on the stock 18"s (not to say the spoke style doesn't count for anything in this case), so I figured according to an offset calc there would be 1cm less inner clearance. Besides, it wouldn't even be a staggered setup (not sure what min size tyres you can get away with on 10's), nah it's probably a crazy idea Damn. Maybe if I'm lucky they may split the rears. Ian, you don't think pushing the fronts out that much would be an issue?
  17. Fairly sure that 19x10 et 15 wouldn't clear the brembos at the front and would look absolutely silly sticking out 2cm past the arches, not to mention whether the tyres would even fit? Cheers
  18. PCD is 114.3 and for offsets: http://www.350z-tech.com/zwiki/350Z_OEM ... ifications Oh and these aren't too expensive are they? viewtopic.php?f=115&t=29258
  19. How many mm's is that on the rear? May be interested in this as I need to replace the rears soon until I can get my hands on some decent wheels.
  20. With opieoils discount code isn't castrol edge £40.24 delivered?
  21. Was just wondering since I had the same issue on a CTR a while back and they mentioned it was missing the shim on one side which the pad sits against? I guess doesn't really help in doogyrevs case
  22. You'll see a heck of a lot of cars spin out on druids bend (though it doesn't look that sharp when you go round it) and what surprised me was just how much the change in elevation is coming out of paddock hill bend, if you don't keep right on the apex, you're going to go wide and possibly end up in the gravel. I guess just be careful to be courteous of other drivers. It wasn't the Z I took round brands, but with the standard brakes on the previous car, they utterly melted after the second session and I also managed to sort of melt the tread on the rear tyres (what pressure you run normally doesn't equate to what you run after a session on track, so i'd be checking that if I did it again). Most of all, enjoy the day, it really is a fantastic track.
  23. Yeah I tried z1auto, but not chillired, but I think b2 may be able to sort me out, kudos to taddy I also noted there are some on ebay currently Probably with the wrong offsets though.
  24. Must be one I don't have Doh. See, I wouldn't mind if it was a couple of months, but 5 seems a little excessive.
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