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Everything posted by RisingPower

  1. Also, bear in mind, I've been driving on budget tyres for the last... 8 months Those are... interesting in the wet
  2. The only thing that scares me is salt Besides, I thought the z was meant for sliding? Doesn't also feel like so much of a lardass when it does as the M3 did I also enjoyed sliding in the M3 when it was snowy, twas fun trying to park in a whole new way up a hill
  3. RisingPower

    Toyo tyres

    RE050's are very much a different kettle of fish, IMHO both toyos and bridgestones re040's aren't brilliant in the wet.
  4. Roads are really cack round here, doubt I can drop it. The Y pipe was scraping at stock height Well, I was thinking rear bumper, nismo v2 replica front. You'd also be surprised, I've seen the chargespeed w/out sides and it looks not bad at all imo. With sides, currently they're very low as is, I just have this picture in my head of the Z being beached on a bump, rocking back and forwards Here we go, chargespeed rear, stock sides: http://my350z.com/forum/exterior-and-in ... nyone.html
  5. We'll see I'm hoping gtechniq c5 and plenty of care should see them through fine
  6. RisingPower

    Toyo tyres

    Urrr, no, you don't need runflats, unless you prefer them. You could, but within limits, dunno whether there's falken fk452s in those. I'm not sure I'd bother, I'd probably go with the uniroyals, but it's up to you. http://www.kouki.co.uk/utilities/visual ... calculator
  7. RisingPower

    Toyo tyres

    Had toyos r1s and px4's aaages back on the ctr, were great in the dry with no real feeling through them (very soft sidewall), not so good in the wet. Don't see why you'd need runflats either? 225/60 sounds way out on any axle? Stock sizes are 225/45 and 245/45 on 18"s. Yeah, 350z wiki says 225/50 r17 and 235/50 r17. Shame falken fk452s don't come in that size, aren't uniroyal supposed to be reasonable? http://www.camskill.co.uk/products.php? ... s555p60682
  8. Oh shush you, big girls blouse With gtechniq and regular care I'm sure they'll be fine
  9. Nope, guess I could do, but since it's going to be chargespeed next, dunno how much point there is
  10. Minus centre caps currently, put some of the SF Challenge centres that I have on Excuse the rear dink (that's been there since I got it, next mod is planned to be chargespeed rear )
  11. Top right for me, but top left is ok. The rest imho are
  12. Cheers mate. I'm looking forward to seeing your varrstoens, was thinking about that look for mine also
  13. Well, the air duct pipe may not be pretty, but it certainly looks functional and the carbon inlet certainly looks good
  14. Just try not to lick the screen Mmmm, tastes of... titanium gunmetal with a hint of gtechniq c5
  15. There's another choice? To be fair, I am liking the work t1s's in BP also, but they're not volks
  16. Only got the 3100 but I'm presuming a similar idea. See rob's faq: viewtopic.php?f=27&t=16403 For mine I got the pre-06 double din fascia, the ict 20-260 and that was it, but then again I wasn't bothered about steering controls
  17. Thanks, like the fat look tbh Mind if I pop over and nick your duraluminum nuts?
  18. Just completely didn't realise the volk gts didn't come with locking lug nuts and was wondering whether anyone can recommend some options? (Probably end up getting some mcgards) Cheers guys
  19. Cheers Ian I just didn't like the stretched look on the M3 when I had stock sizes is all (strange that the stock sizes were stretched, but hey ho).
  20. Hmm, I've gone with 255/35 285/35 for now. Ah well. Especially for you I just went outside to take pics so you can see if you like them that size... Front 245/35 Rear 275/35 Hope this helps Hmm, tiny bit of stretch but not much, presumably you're lowered looking at the pics? Problem is I've already arranged 255/285 with blackcircles
  21. Hmm, I've gone with 255/35 285/35 for now. Ah well.
  22. Rays is the manufacturer, volks the brand. They're Volk GTS in titanium gunmetal http://www.rays-msc.com/wheels/index.cgi?d=15
  23. First set of wheels I've had that I've cared about, so it'll be an interesting winter, hopefully though c5 will take good care of them along with regular dodo juice btbm Hopefully mounted pics on saturday
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