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Everything posted by RisingPower

  1. Heavy? Hardly, they're wonderfully balanced and on a decent setup you can hang the back end out for hours or nail the apex crisply every time, depending on mood. Well, IMHO anyway. 1550kg is heavy. I did however come from a ctr to the M3, but even the Z feels (and is) lighter than the M3. It just felt a bit too.... refined/german for me? It may be wonderfully balanced, but it just doesn't do it for me. After all, it is a big heavy coupe which is a compromise between comfort, practicality and performance.
  2. Shame about the interior putting you off, imo I found the mustangs interior looked a bit cheaper, but with the red seats... yes.. It's different and is fun. The mustang does handle albeit with the roush suspension kit, but I love roushed mustangs. If you're after out and out performance, why get a convertible?
  3. Anything? Besides, it's only involving when you turn ESP off. Then you feel how heavy the rear is.
  4. IMHO most BMW's/Audis are just euroboxes with a few exceptions. I don't rate "german build quality" either.
  5. what would you reccomend in stead if you had to have more seats? budget of around £15k I guess something like this wouldn't appeal? http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... ?logcode=p Or this? http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... ?logcode=p Bit over, but it is a convertible: http://www.pistonheads.com/SALES/2219512.htm http://www.pistonheads.com/SALES/2201591.htm
  6. I was just curious, are the 4 seats actually usable in a convertible like the s4/m6 etc? All that space taken up by the soft top can't leave much room? It has to be a convertible right?
  7. I'd say S4, having had an M3 and never wanting one again after that experience. Neither of them do it for me though tbh. IMHO they're both lardass coupe/saloons.
  8. Maybe 245/35/19 and 275/35/19? http://www.kouki.co.uk/utilities/visual ... calculator
  9. I think without canards it looks better imo, but it may come in handy if you wanted to slice up pedestrians
  10. Aw darnit, why must I constantly be teased with the beautiful v2 front and nismo sides Stunning looking z Black handles would look
  11. Thanks for that and you're right about being hard to keep clean
  12. Hey, it's not your fault. I was saying if you wanted to say a certain something about a certain company
  13. They did look Thanks, they really need the final center cap though Why do wheel packages come with only 3 centrecaps ? ......... mine did aswell Dunno whether I should blatantly have a go at a certain company a certain trader had to do business with If sarah wants to say something though
  14. They did look Thanks, they really need the final center cap though
  15. They were very dirty after 80 miles Think I need to get some optimum no rinse and carry it with me.
  16. Hmm, so maybe bags of sand for winter? To be fair, I live at near the bottom of a hill, if it can't make it up that, I won't be going any further, or trying.
  17. Hmm... I still find it difficult to see how massively different it'll be in the snow, but I haven't seen it in the snow yet. TBH I found the M3 was perfectly fine in the snow aside from trying to get it up a very steep slope in a parking area which had quite a deep covering of snow. If I could get the M3 up a reasonable hill and park in the snow, is it really going to be much more difficult in the Z?
  18. It will probably be just as bad, but at least it has some weight over the rear axle. I honestly don't think the Z will be any worse in the winter than an M3 with a broken RTAB in very heavy rain.
  19. Sorted then Or at least when I have the moolah
  20. Hrmmf, maybe it just isn't any lower... In which case.... I'd be copying you (not that this is a bad thing) See, ryanmac on my350z had carbon v2 side skirts, almost toying with that and the nismo v2 front w/carbon..... Thanks for that though, that pretty clearly shows they are the same height
  21. See here, it doesn't look any lower: But here it does, using the oem side skirts part in the centre as a basis for guesstimating: Shame the amuse ones are definitely lower: I can have a look tomorrow to see whether I have any more clearance with the volks, should do.
  22. Hmm, I may consider skirts at some point in the future, but I still think they'd only end up being a nightmare around here. I don't think the Nismo skirts on mine are any lower than oem just come out further.My Varis lip clears the 2 speed bumps onto our estate with no probs and my car is lowered. If they're not lower I may consider them. I know the amuse sides which were the ones I was looking at certainly looked lower. Last time I checked there was literally maybe 0.5-1cm clearance max with the current skirts. If anyone has any before/after pics of the nismo side skirts.....
  23. Hmm, I may consider skirts at some point in the future, but I still think they'd only end up being a nightmare around here.
  24. Indeed, but I had massive understeer trying to get onto a slip road, 30mph, nope no traction, 20mph still no traction, 15mph, wahey traction. I have considered winter tyres and the stockers, but I never needed them in the M3, which has precisely no weight over the rear wheels whatsoever. I think you could have an incident in winter no matter what tyres you're on, however, it would be less painful driving into a curb with the oems.
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