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Everything posted by RisingPower

  1. only reason was to use it as a paint cleaner, when i was on the megs seminar they used a paint cleaner before any wax, not to polish but to remove all and any contaminants that the clay may have missed. as for the red mist ontop of wax, i thought this as well, but a pro valet/ detailer on here was doing it at i think the last big meet in wales, and when i asked, he said you can use it straight after waxing. Mmm, but any contaminants would have been removed by the polish. Point of claying before polishing I believe was to remove anything which could inflict marring. Hmm, just, I heard that it could possibly melt waxes if they haven't cured first? Iunno.
  2. I wouldn't bother with lime prime light tbh if you're using megs ultimate compound, it's a waste of time. Lime prime light has no corrective agents, it's just good for pre wax Also, don't use wax then red mist immediately, wax needs time to cure, like 24 hours.
  3. I dunno, I managed to keep 35ish mpg up on it for a while
  4. Makes me wonder, just grovelled under the rear and the arb drop links are surprisingly dry for something which would have been sprayed with grease though they did smell of wd40 yesterday? Possible if they sprayed wd40 on it it could make them worse? Sorry, one other thing, would you expect bubbles in the reservoir if there is an air lock? Partner couldn't see any whilst I turned it from full lock to lock...
  5. So, had the steering hoses changed at nissan, but now it seems when turning I get wobble through the wheel? (Turned the steering wheel and held on lock a few times for 5 seconds, couldn't see any fluid coming out of near the power steering cooler where it was before) Oh and they apparently greased the rear drop links and now the creaking has turned to a creaking and a clunking sound?
  6. Nope, not if you're taking it ridiculously easy and you haven't let it average out yet.
  7. Walks in backwards towards your current cctv? Does cctv have to be obvious? Just wondering...
  8. DO IT!! Oh and cover them with fuzzy pink fur
  9. You're taking it to a track surely, not a fashion convention
  10. In pink? Sorry but pink and mean don't exactly go together for me
  11. Crazy foo It's not bastardising the lmgt4's if you paint them takata green, it's making them even better
  12. My phish food is melting so you get pink and one red.
  13. Mine sticks out a bit Are any of these any good? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v236/ ... nismo3.jpg
  14. What about just installing a camera? Plod can't dispute it then. If they still dispute it, get some molotovs
  15. Not to me? Looks perfect imho. If they do stick out slightly further, it is bloody slight
  16. Very nice and I've loved the tips since I first saw pictures of it. Sounds surprisingly like the nismo
  17. If you're saying price isn't an issue http://www.evasivemotorsports.com/Merch ... _R1_EX_Z33
  18. See, i'm just wondering whether he could pebbledash them. That way when you hit the gravel trap, nobody will know
  19. The round holes? I was thinking those little small rectangular holes just above the splitter with a hose going up from them can you paintshop that and show me what you're on about? Sure Might be talking out my ass though The holes circled in red
  20. The round holes? I was thinking those little small rectangular holes just above the splitter with a hose going up from them
  21. that is an idea, something pretty flat but wide and then go into a 'hose' like connection on the back and have a pipe against the cooler. hunt goes on. Isn't that what the strosek has?
  22. Just hammer it and leave it in. ESP is only for wimps
  23. I think you should do both
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