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Everything posted by RisingPower

  1. True dual, don't see why you'd want to do single if you don't have to
  2. ^This one or stock imo. +1 but for me, not even stock, that one is much tastier
  3. Tanabe sounds a fair bit quieter than the nismo.
  4. Which videos have you heard? The usual culprits have decats also. Unresonated those'll be as raspy as hell. Y pipe as people have mentioned, quality isn't the greatest, but I still love the nismo sound. For me, it isn't really a slightly deeper stock tone, the stock tone is lower, the nismo is considerably louder. Ian just likes single exits I think someone on here got a greddy spectrum elite backbox and that sounds pretty similar.
  5. Did you go with uprated drop links?
  6. Really? Sounds raspy as hell to me, but not even in the semi ok e46 M3 way.
  7. Did someone fit a 2 stroke?
  8. Ahhh, I been wondering about them, just it seemed they had a bit of mixed feedback
  9. Nah, audi wheels look rubbish compared to those, they have no concavity, these do. Also, think these ones are forgestar f13's, but am open to corrections
  10. Don't think I can say anything which hasn't already been said, but truely and properly Incidentally, that a blitz spoiler?
  11. IPA can sort of leave a little bit of dryness, think I know what you mean, but I don't think it affects the finish, in fact, I'm not entirely sure that lpl doesn't have any filling properties.
  12. Thought megs pads were 6.5"? Honestly, I think 6.5" on a 5" plate will be fine, but I can see why you may want to double check
  13. Diesel generator or hotwire it into a street lamp I was thinking more along the lines of a scamera, surely there'll be plenty of those nearby?
  14. Never said menzerna did fella It's fair enough to use lp or lpl after polish, I just see it as an unnecessary step is all when ipa is so cheap and will suffice Ooooo that's some good....
  15. Why would you use lime prime after the polishing stage? The whole point of polishing is to leave a finish that can be waxed? Mainly surely you only need an IPA wipedown after the polishing stage to remove any residues left over, especially if the polish you're using contains fillers.
  16. +1 They're my current favourites on the 350z Menz was ok, but I could never get it leaving the finish the megs seem to
  17. Thanks lincolnbaggie, thought I was thorough enough the first time I attempted to bleed air out using the procedure, second time it seems to have gone
  18. I'm still not sure there is a point in them But I'll keep using my guesticators
  19. Oh and "eco-safe". Really? That's really the most important thing to know on the road?
  20. Still passed, I only got 42 on the first one, 47 on the second
  21. Would you really go solely on what the indicator says they were doing? That to me= pretty much instant death with the number of numpties who don't know what the hell they're doing. Half the time people don't even indicate either. Oh and damn you for getting the towing speed right Not that I've ever had to tow anything.
  22. Urr, you have to click end. Note that says 50 completed questions, not 50 correct questions
  23. I love how they get more full of crap every year Failed on the first one as I didn't know what the towing speed limit is
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