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Everything posted by RisingPower

  1. There is a *lot* to rattle in there (also the metal inside seems to rattle other bits of trim) and you'll have to rip out the bose to fit another sub there, it's not just the actual sub but the amp too. Doesn't ikarus also have a sub where the spare goes? What about something like the jl stealthbox? http://mobile.jlaudio.com/products_stea ... it_id=1416 I think it would definitely help with rattles/more punchy sound dynamatting/putting some MLV/CCF in where the existing bose is if you were to put another sub in there which actually does more than fall to bits The ebay enclosure you found, yeah I think it's a little bit too small in terms of volume for most subs like the JL10w3v3 and definitely too small for the 13tw5.
  2. A jl 10w3v3 makes everything rattle like hell around there. I'd put it somewhere further back tbh where there's less trim to rattle. Though, wickedcas do make an expensive box for the sub in that location. http://www.wickedcas.com/product.php?pr ... t=8&page=1
  3. I don't think that's bad at all really Shame about the really non flush wheels though and how he's put a ridiculously gutless engine in it though
  4. What's the difference vs the d1 spec throttle controller?
  5. Apparently the oem bose subwoofer uses 15w. Yeah, I think you'll have issues if you just tried to replace the actual sub itself. Isn't something like this the easiest way if you could run power/phono to it, not quite sure where you'd put it though? http://www.caraudiodirect.co.uk/infinity-basslink.html Maybe someone else has more ideas like dblock?.
  6. As far as I'm aware, you won't stand a chance using the standard wiring loom, the installers had to run power/phonos back through there. Bear in mind, the bose sub is a tiny thin pos. The boot is the best location for a sub, not where the bose sub goes anyways (got a jl 10w3v3 in the bose sub compartment and stuff around it rattles, a fair bit). I also don't see why you'd want to replace it with a free air sub?
  7. WRT guitar, do you like satriani/malmsteen/vai/kenny wayne sheppard?
  8. Looks as new fella Must have been so long, don't even remember the petrol cap being a different colour
  9. Michelin pilot sports without a hesitation of a doubt
  10. ZOMFG a mclaren That paintjob on the sagaris though Oh and the gt40.
  11. For me it has to have been ac/dc getting me into rock, michael and janet jackson into 80's pop, peter gabriel into a different kind of pop, zz top, jamiroquai into jazz/funk, and presently dave koz/richard elliot/paul taylor into smooth jazz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqyc37aOqT0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8W6mu0vC4IE
  12. A datsun 240z leaves you cold, but many soulless cars from germany excite you? I'd say the 240z has bags more character than many cars from germany. Incidentally I wouldn't want an RX7 or a Supra. NSX, 240z, heck yes I lust over them.
  13. Interesting, always put down computer programmer but software engineer is slightly cheaper.
  14. No, they're more aggressive than shampoos. Providing you keep protection topped up you shouldn't need them.
  15. I guess it's sort of z related as there were a couple of 240z's Either way, a pretty awesome day... Apart from the midges. http://www.detailingworld.co.uk/forum/s ... ost2889145
  16. Sorry, guess you could try CS (cougar store)? They have non brembo ebc discs.
  17. Yeah, finish up by driving into a police car and try to claim it on insurance
  18. Loved my CTR, but it's an entirely different car to the 350z. I'd have skipped out the M3 on the way between the CTR and the 350z doing it over again. CTR loves to rev, 350z is a GT.
  19. I prefer it to the db9, just doesn't have as much character for me.
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