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Everything posted by RisingPower

  1. RisingPower

    Wheel sizes

    Cheap wheels are generally heavy. Bear in mind, the standard rays weigh 17lb a wheel. IMHO you will affect handling with a: Wider b: Heavier wheels . I didn't get my gts's for handling sake. If however, you're looking at rays/dpe/advan, they make some very light wheels with a lot of concavity.
  2. RisingPower

    Wheel sizes

    Have you tried the usual suspects like rarerims?
  3. Urr, personally I'd be I've used yellowstuff before, I wouldn't again personally, nor anything else from ebc. Incidentally, I'll be after some cheaper rear discs soon and he has some stoptech discs which are reasonably cheap. Ferodo pads aren't too expensive either.
  4. I wasn't Then again, unless it's simple I think the budget is whatever you can afford/like the sound of
  5. No I haven't. I'd say so Thing is, IIRC there's no reason that crossover can't be in the power amp, it's so long as it's before the power stage, not after. I think Honestly, it's not something you should be worrying about, just keep it cheaper and go passive Hertz mlk 165's aren't cheap. Then again, they're not that expensive either, especially from what i've seen if you go with an active configuration. I was considering the audison voce's as they're also apparently warm and very similar/the replacement for the mlks. Try them!!! http://www.raysmith.co.uk/audison-voce- ... ystem.html Also bear in mind, if you're not installing this yourself, it makes no sense to buy the parts. Get them to install and supply parts and you'll get discounts which makes it cheaper.
  6. Think you're right on passive. But i'm not sure on active, my understanding was instead of having the amp passing both signals along one line to the passive crossover to the speakers, you'd have the amp having 2/3 lines, one for tweets, one for mid range, one for lower. The amp would then have a decent crossover built in which would give you the different lines out. Something like this I believe: http://forums.bimmerforums.com/forum/sh ... ?t=1505293 This where the crossover lives in the power amp, though I guess it could be before too? http://sound.westhost.com/biamp-vs-passive.htm
  7. When you say going active with the components, there's another way? Do you mean off the HU directly instead? Guess it would be cheaper, but wouldn't sound brilliant. Whaddya mean active crossover? Surely you mean a power amp with a decent crossover built in vs the passive crossovers? If so, I hope you've got a big budget But I still can't see the point of audio that good in a car unless it's for shows. I thought there was a point in going active for tweets and mids? I prefer the idea of running a separate amp for the subs and one for components just so you don't have to worry about power, also cheaper I think. 4) Yes Honestly, go to an installer, ask them to listen to some components. Don't go on other people's opinions. I loved the hertz mlk's, someone else may hate them for being too warm. I thought the focals were too harsh in the k2p range and too muddy in the access range.
  8. I remember the oem backbox looked like it pre dated the titanic
  9. Not me too? Honestly, for another £100, i'd get a better amp. Still, will be interesting to see what you go with
  10. So basically, while back, I scraped the stock cats. Considering putting them back on, but is this an issue?
  11. JL10w3v3 should be able to handle that, but tbh, that's not really low If they could demo you something like lil' jon that should give you an idea of what you want Maybe a meet or something? Shame i'm the opposite side of the country Alternately i'm sure a decent ice installer would let you have a listen?
  12. Yes!! http://www.metric-conversions.org/volum ... c-feet.htm
  13. They're exactly as the cad drawing except iirc they couldn't get 5/8" mdf so it was substituted for something slightly thinner.
  14. I'd go with the alpine mrp500. Because I did Nah, you need something with minimum 300w into 2ohms, or 4 ohms depending on which verison you get of the 10w3v3. Though one thing, on retrospect, I wouldn't have minded an amp which had a remote level control. Think a few jls and other amps have that.
  15. errr... can you translate that please bud? Are you saying that AMP is pants? It won't be enough to power the jl10w3v3 or any reasonable sub
  16. I think dblock meant infinite baffle/free air
  17. Mmm But I think the type r's should be fine, think they're 0.60cuft. Mounting depth too, it's not a particularly deep box.
  18. I think the alpine type r's are ok too, but not quite as good as the jl10w3. Have a look over here: http://www.talkaudio.co.uk/ipb/index.ph ... car-audio/
  19. I think so long as it's got enough power for the sub you'll be fine. IIRC 500w was the max recommended for the jl10w3v3.
  20. Exactly I don't remember how much I got my 10w3v3 for but cad have one here for £189: http://www.caraudiodirect.co.uk/jl-audio-10w3v3-2.html If you could do it in fiberglass you'd get more volume inside obviously, could maybe even fit something bigger in Just remembered, I also pointed this out to dave viewtopic.php?f=27&t=28131
  21. The JL10w3v3 is in an mdf box which is somewhere posted up in a cad drawing here, I had help from family to get the box made, it's running off an alpine mrp500 in 2 ohms @500w which is also hidden back there as well as the other amp for the front components which sit in spacers in the doors. Head unit is a pioner avh3100dvd. I don't know why you'd want to keep the standard HU, it's a piece of junk I hated the way it looked, that it couldn't play mp3s, cd was useless, just garbage imho Double din suits the area, could even get one without buttons just a wider screen if you want even more subtle.
  22. No build pics but some pics of cover on/off: Felt pads stop the cover from vibrating, put some grease around where the sub box touches the metal cover to stop it vibrating
  23. Then you'll have it turned down pretty much all the way I loved the hertz mlk 165's, but I think they're too deep. I was considering some audison voce av k6's, never got a chance to audition them though, before I ended up with what I have now (hertz hsk 165's). Both of them are warm sounding (audison from what i've read) imho
  24. Yeah, that and it costs £800 for that stealthbox I like the sub as it is in the bose compartment (I can live with the rattles when it's turned up), but maybe I could have another in the passenger glovebox One jl10w3v3 in there is plenty enough for me tbh. Unless you're listening to something like lil' jon and the ying yang twins normally, I don't think you want that much bass. Above the jl10, i'd only want a 13w7 and price for me it just wouldn't be worth it. This guys video is better than the one I've taken Here's mine: http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v236/ ... EO0001.mp4
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