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Everything posted by RisingPower

  1. Bit of a wheel whore, so it's a no from me i'm afraid
  2. 285 will most likely rub, with being lowered you may even have to roll with 275 tbh.
  3. They're not tbh, the feel from the ps2s, the amount of grip, yeah, for me the VUS's on the M3 (albeit e46) weren't anything like as good. You will notice the difference in feel and grip even on the road. That's not to say the VUS's aren't good tyres, they're just nothing like as good as PS2's.
  4. Less grip and lighter tyres possibly. But I'm not saying less grip, I just think worrying about having it rub is more of a pain, especially when you find out when the rear gets loaded up suddenly in a corner. You can forget grip then I'd say stick with the michelins without a doubt. I've got 285's on the back of the zed. Does it need them on a pretty standard zed? Hardly.
  5. Only question I have is if they rub would you be happy pulling/rolling the arches? (if not done already). I mean, yours look fairly fat, would it be possible to go thinner? Like, 255?
  6. I put a layer of damplifier second skin down, then tried to put a layer of luxury liner on top. It didn't work, it was just ever so slightly too thick Damplifier is fine down there though and tbh, I think it helps more with drone than road noise. It's a pain, because that is where a lot of noise comes from. If you can get some in the dash area/wheel wells, that would be interesting
  7. MLV I believe is heavier than the butyl based dampening mats? Wish I had luck with foam, didn't seem to make any odds for me (Second skin luxury liner has ccf and mlv). If you're after road noise deadening, you can probably do a better job than I did and get some luxury liner in the wheel wells/inside of the dash area. I found that you couldn't fit luxury liner around the spare as it pushed it up just a little bit too far Don't expect miracles though, the amount you have to add and how thorough you have to be for any significant difference just wasn't worth it for me.
  8. Mmm I just question some of the more unusual policies. Like, my oem 06 lights were classified as rally lights with admiral
  9. But those risks are determined by the underwriters normally right? They do seem to come up with some very, very strange decisions for policy loading in quite a few cases, but it really does depend on the insurer.
  10. Fricking bizarre M3 for me was ~£1200, zed was ~£800, both with admiral. Then again, I am only 26, maybe they see the M3 as more of a risk with younger age than the zed? Ahh, handbag cover, what I always wanted
  11. £2k seems hella expensive for his profile to me at least. Odd that the 350z was more expensive than an M3 to insure, my M3 was a good £400 more to insure than the zed is and it was standard apart from the 19" oem wheels. Also think the zed is group 18, the M3 was definitely group 20.
  12. Could always buy the recaro sportsters with the air bags fitted.
  13. Bride XAX are nice, don't like any corbeau seats i've seen. There are also some recovered sport topline recaros on the bay. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Recaro-Sport- ... 1e65b5230a
  14. I thought they were for old people?
  15. I find the stock leather ones too loose in places and pushing out in odd places also. I like recaros personally, but if I never had any fat people in the car, mmm brides. http://www.sportseats4u.co.uk/brand/rec ... d_557.html http://www.sportseats4u.co.uk/brand/rec ... d_585.html These are gorgeous also imho but I'm not sure they'd be too practical http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/AUDI-TT-SPEC- ... 3a68b8cfd2
  16. Hang on a minute, you've got a supercharger and want more power? Greedy What about some eibach arbs from alex?
  17. I'm honestly not sure what those qualifications are going to mean in the grand scheme of things tbh. The first one sounds a bit thin and I have no idea what the other course offers. If you have time and want to learn for yourself, w3schools online. If you want accreditation, I only really know of developers courses myself unfortunately, but we use firebrandtraining iirc. Also, if you wanted to learn at home, I believe there are MCTS courses that can be done at home (you buy the books and take the exam) ? MCTS courses would mean more than the courses mentioned. I think, maybe if you look through the tutorials on w3schools and decide it's still for you, something like an MCTS ASP .net course would be a good start.
  18. To me it doesn't sound like necessarily you want to be doing web development, more, like a tech design role that was at webfactory/play when I was there. Web development to me means asp.net web services (asmx), asp .net web pages (aspx), java server pages (jsp), javascript and css. With an emphasis on the first two (javascript and css are probably more along the lines of what you're thinking). Would like to learn some php at some stage but I doubt I will. As mentioned though, HTML 5 is supposedly the one to look out for at the moment. Question is, which appeals: Design/Appearance, or Coding?
  19. That really, really works
  20. Makes 3.4% difference, i.e above what I believe is the recommended difference in rolling radius.
  21. Here ya go: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/RAYS-VOLK-RAC ... 3358096884
  22. £300 Took an hour if that to swap out the bose for the pioneer avh3100dvd.
  23. As I said. Stoptech discs from alex.
  24. RisingPower

    Wheel sizes

    They do seem to stock rota's which are good budget wheels, but I'd support traders on here tbh where possible
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