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Posts posted by Andy82

  1. On average about 50% of the cars dont make it!


    Having checked the photos out like you said most seem to be Kitcars and self builds at that so i'm not surprise that 50% fail over that sort of mileage VS a Japanese manufactured car i really think you will be fine.

  2. Ideally the easiest way is to open your self a photobucket account (its free)




    once you have added your photos you can code the code from the 'IMG Code' section under your added image on photobucket and then paste the code into you forum post box


    To save time and bandwidth make photos more forum friendly by shrinking them before upload something around 600 x 400 pixels, if you have windows 7 then paint can do this alternatively photobucket can resize them on upload


    Hope thats helped if not ask again

  3. Firstly can you downgrade your current plan (maybe cite financial difficulties) as that would be cheaper to downgrade to the lowest package possible and sell the phone to cover the remain un-used bills, then the world is your oyster as all current providers seem to offer better deals.


    I recommend most android phones, avoid Sony Ericsson they haven't made a good phone for years, I like my HTC phones even with the poor battery life (which smartphones don't have poor battery performance)


    I would always strongly recommend buy direct from the network website or over the phone with the network, having once worked for a network all the 3rd party companies cannot be trusted, from lieing about what you are getting to selling your details i've seen and heard it all even he big guns do it. The advantage of a telephone/internet sale from the networks direct is you have 7 days to try your new phone and service out if you don't like it notify them within these 7 days and you can return it and either choose a different phone or cancel the agreement all together.


    Hastily written apologies on the quality.

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