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  1. One front and one rear, immaculate, original 350Z wheels for sale from an ‘08 plate. Please feel free to DM me for more details. £50 per wheel, but open to sensible offers. Collection only I’m afraid. Thank you!
  2. 350Z Rays for sale, one front and one rear from a 2008 plate 350Z. Immaculate condition. Thank you for looking! Fee.
  3. Fee

    Wheels for 2008 350Z

    Yes I do!!! Oh good!!!
  4. Original 350Z wheels wanted. 2008 plate. Thank you. Fee.
  5. Lovely looking zed...best colour...when clean!!!
  6. Great choice in car AND music methinks!!!
  7. Who the f*ck are you? Go grow a pair Nice one Vik!!!
  8. Snap! I've had exactly the same problems nic...I was beginning to think that it was my driving! I know my mismatch tyres don't help (saving for new) but didn't expect to feel like I was in a sledge in this weather! I have never driven as slow since one particularly dodgy moment...ironic really! Oh and my car is male too! (And very handsome he is!!!)
  9. Just back in from a little shopping trip...thought I would share with you how hard it is to be a driver AND a woman... Dead cute squirrel had a narrow escape from my zeds wheels as I was distracted by checking my nails looked beautiful, also had a VERY close encounter with the rear of a Ford Focus as I HAD to check my eyelashes were there and didn't realise I was at a roundabout, oh and because my hair just WOULDN'T go right this morning, HAD to fluff up when got the opportunity...very rude drivers at the traffic lights, I wasn't that long in realising the lights had changed to green... It's hard to be a woman...!!! (I feel a Dolly Parton moment coming on!!!)
  10. Sorry to hear about your bumper... ...but also sorry that you have such a stereotypical view of women drivers... ...I hope you were joking!!! Personally I think it was more likely that the husband pranged your car and blamed the wife...!!!
  11. Sad times but something tells me it won't be long before MattyR is back!!! (Oh and you are rather good at taking pics of zeds in the dark!!!)
  12. PM sent - will pay asap! Thank you for organising...can't wait to see the finished product!
  13. Excellent post - at the beginning anyway! Bought my zed in the summer and unfortunately it has mismatched front/rears. REO40's on the front and acceleras on the rear... Having had numerous scary situations whilst driving (sensibly!!!) in the wet, notably one at 3 o'clock in the morning on the M62 during monsoon like conditions... ...I had begun to think I couldn't drive and it was me!!! Thanks to this informative post, and the advice of friends with zeds, I am going to save up and treat my zed to a new set of shoes...ALL FOUR MATCHING!!! Thanks again...I do like this forum!
  14. SNAP!!! I needed a bottle of the stuff!!!
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