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Everything posted by paulos350z

  1. used to hopefully save a few £££ if anyone is returning theres to stock? I wanted something that wasnt too loud and still looks stock, would I have issues fitting to my 2003 zed? can you recommend anything else???
  2. looking to replace my stock system with the japspeed k2 exhaust & y pipe I can collect anywhere in UK thanks, Paul
  3. the rears are still intact so ill let him off i could always get my own back and give his 335d some stick
  4. my brother has been doing what? lol where abouts are you mate?
  5. thanks everyone bounty78 I did it the same way the guide says except I used a 3.5mm (end cut off into the bose) to phono cable and cut off those cables to and soldered them onto a phono connector http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=1013 which is mounted in the sat nav hole. For the power to ipod and usb I just used a standard double usb cigarette adaptor but wired it in from behind the socket in the passenger footwell. Also means I can get to it without pulling out the headunit
  6. thanks i've ordered most of the LED lights for int/ext and silver indicatorbulbs so looking forward to getting them on this week
  7. thanks everyone for making me feel welcome and helping me solve the mystery ipod connector, in the end it was just a charger doh! keen to get my ipod in this afternoon I gave the 'ghetto bose mp3 mod' a whirl and it worked out perfectly!
  8. i'll definitely be there! damn i didnt know these cars were so much fun! on a side note.... I put in a blank cassette with tape removed, still not managing to get it to work, ill try my mates older g3 ipod tomorrow incase it doesnt like it.
  9. cheers lex i will do! i look forward to meeting some of you this summer at some meets
  10. hi everyone In Nottingham greekman thanks zugara i remember seeing this somewhere, i tried it with a blank tape and had the ipod on play but no sounds? actually sounded like it was just playing the blank tape not trying to take the output from the ipod? do you think it's not connected up properly? ive got the new gen 5 nano and the external speaker stays on which only usually happens when the headphones arent in or when it's not docked with a headunit.
  11. just picked it up only a short drive home but wow i love it already!!! i noticed the ipod connector and I think it's bluetooth adaptor in the arm rest... can some be so kind as to show this noob how I use them? Sat there in the car park for 10 mins trying to find the input to activate the ipod. No idea how to pair the bluetooth if indeed thats what it is! want some sun tomorrow so i can get some pics up! thanks!
  12. 'All OEM Rear badges' Please PM'd
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