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Everything posted by evilscorp

  1. why not use the spring cups on the rear to place the axle stands and either front suspension arm or block of wood and jacking point had mine up for a week when I had issues with knackered bushes when installing suspension.
  2. Its a lovely car and will miss spoting it in ek. enjoy! hope to spot something new in ek
  3. Always enjoy a good build thread
  4. have u got a link to the site? these look like they work better than others ive seen.
  5. Well done! great bit of reading over the past few months, massive spec list, who insured you? are they mad? Only thing I can see missing is an uprated MAF sensor? could this be the reason for the fuelling problems? Thought the stock one tops out around 400hp?
  6. Lop sided exhaust + a cheeky monkey! Probably getting taken off and sold soonish.
  7. The last one (grey) has the HR engine = most power, good luck choosing
  8. I love my jdm , Take your time as its a buyers market for these cars at the moment. Plenty gd examples out there.
  9. To get back on track... its for a supercharger application so need one step colder.
  10. Didnt even know hks did plugs Cheers for the heads up,thats one to avoid then.
  11. Just want to check I have the right part number for one step colder plugs for my 03 DE engine, NGK plugs PLFR6A-11, anyother brands I should look at? Cheers
  12. Mine is at 60k and still working fine. Just your luck/driving style as said above.
  13. I think these will be worth the hassle, dont see many white calipers about.
  14. First time Ive seen the ibherdesign bodykit and not in my mouth. Its still ugly but the vette motor is pritty cool.
  15. Most of the US 350z have the smaller brakes but thought the 370z only came with the one kind as they are no longer brembo supplied. Post a picture if you can and see if anyone comes up with a good idea.
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