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Everything posted by evilscorp

  1. No problem, he got me a boost and air/fuel gauge so presume he can get an oil temp gauge too. have a look at their webpage http://www.aemelectronics.com/oil-temp-gauge-100-300f-762
  2. number 9 is my favourite, no nonsense just plain power
  3. evilscorp

    Duel or not?

    The thing that swayed me is american designs on their V6/8 engines and most use true dual of some sort (x/h-pipe or no cross over) no offence to the jap die hard fans (myself included) but they have more experience of straight or inline engines = single pipe back. Depends on what you want top end hp = free flowing with a small back pressure or if you want mid range torque add a bit more back pressure = my problem at the moment (too many tight bends near the rear).
  4. evilscorp

    Duel or not?

    Got a custom one at the moment = great torque but about to buy a new one which is less likely to bend my rods when I go S/C still staying true dual as it sounds
  5. What about knitting me a steering wheel cover? Looks yummy tho.
  6. I've lost track of how many cars this man has! Brilliant find and as you said insurers wouldnt go near that with the cage fitted. I'am not clued up on minis but are most parts transferable even as the model year changed?
  7. Ok! I though something was up when I posted my last one and it stayed at 1000 Can one of you LEGIT mods please remove this thread before my counter reaches -1 I hate you all I'am off to that other well known forum
  8. right I though something was up when I posted my last one and it stayed at 1000 can one of you legit mods please remove this thread before my counter reaches -1 I hate you all I'am off to that other well known forum
  9. Wahoo 1000 posts and 2mins of boredom killed, should probably go to bed.
  10. Are you fitting them yourself not something for the faint hearted!
  11. never inspected my airbox in detail only swapped out filters and gave the bugs a shake out. may investigate
  12. I'm no help there sorry you could try the usual and but I'am not sure if that's an item he stocks.
  13. Do you mean the dvd drive(which I have removed from my car and can sell)? or just a dvd of maps?
  14. They are directional tyres, have they been fitted correctly?
  15. I think the chargespeed is one of the most aggressive/supercarish looking rears for the Z you lucky g%t
  16. I really really like the front, but as above for the rear.
  17. how is the new clutch? does it cope with stop start driving or very grabby? what is it rated at power wise? another happy visitor to the zshed then The place has legendery status already!
  18. very cool, not normaly a fan of the nismo (v2?) bumper but your car looks liking the black centre section .
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