Spent that much on the car cant quite remember
Got most of the stuff from http://www.tarmacsportz.co.uk/350z-performance.aspx and Chris found me the AEM gauges too, think they were, £120-140 each, the pads were from cougar store £140 front and back, and plugs were £50-60 from http://www.opieoils.co.uk/
A set of bonnet pins (only show the pin as I've put the rest of them in a safe place )http://www.driftworks.com/shop/bonnet-pins.html
Ohh nearly forgot the main man ZMANALEX for the oil filter and new rubber seals for the fuel tank.
Trying to do the supercharger for under £7000 this includes all my engine bolt on mods, but no labour as its going to be free hopefully I wont have too many hickups!