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Everything posted by evilscorp

  1. Going to have a read over the instructions later as I am in two minds if I should remove the radiator for easier installation. Got a few smaller parcels arriving later this week so hope to do the injectors and clean up my inlet manifold on Saturday. Fingers crossed should start installing soon, just wish I had a week off work and some good weather
  2. Hence the picture! I was surprised how large it is up close!
  3. 3 months wait finally over, cheers for all the work and hassle you have gone through to get me it Tarmac
  4. Didn't realise there was an AAM Competition R-MAF. Might need to do some research
  5. This is the reason this forum rocks, cant find a better bunch of people. Nice one BM.
  6. Never been but might go in a couple months time if my clutch can cope with standing starts. Is it well organised or any man for himself to have a go?
  7. Drove past a silver/gunmetal roadster in fairlie tonight at 18.15pm looked and sounded like it had K1 exhaust, anyone on here?
  8. Better information and help compared with pistonheads here Good luck with your search.and
  9. 550hp "the fast and furious 3 car only had 430hp" (mabe there was a reason i.e. you need forged internals for more, I wonder what parts this car has ?)
  10. Best to use photobucket and link the pictures using the small polaroid pic in the toolbar. Looks like you have been busy
  11. evilscorp

    2 x 350Z

    I am guessing you may have some parts that were ment for the r33 that didnt go in? =) Why did you sell it? Glad you made something on it.
  12. evilscorp

    2 x 350Z

    Do you like collecting cars with no engines? Was half expecting an add for a supercharger aswell(now thinking ls1 v8 mabe) Glad you realised the error of selling your old one =)
  13. Also on formula Drift website http://formulad.com/live/?feed=metacafe&event=RD7 for those who dont have sky or virgin.
  14. 3months, bloodly americans causing all the problems.
  15. Nope =( hope to have some news later tonight about when I may get it.
  16. Not quite sure yet but something like that. I will either drive it with the cog belt off or just keep it out of boost i.e. Low revs and keep an eye on the afr. Need to talk to rs tuning more as the last email they said they dont need the uprev gt maf to get 400hp which from the majority of US cars and abbey isnt right, has put some dought in my mind of where to go to get the most safe hp out my setup.
  17. Yes, all you need to do is set the pressure to the same as the standard pressure and you will be fine,just a case of turning a screw and watching the gauge.Think it is around 47psi but I would ask keyser or the other 350z site. But if your installing larger injectors you may have to reduce it until you get a tune done.
  18. Yes I beleive the original one is the part you remove and replace with another larger one in the pump housing and then you get an adjuster up in the engine bay with a pressure gauge so you can tune the car.
  19. Cool build, when you fitting the vortech? Why did you need new front hubs?
  20. 2months so far, not bothered as the weather is horrible.
  21. Had a go wrapping part of my centre console, first ever try and quite happy with the result My prison shank skills came in handy for cutting the wrap.
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