As keyser says about the pressure adjusting, you need the car running.
Looking at your pictures, I'm afraid you need to revisit the aam adapter block to fuel rail fitting. The fitting is the right way round now, but you have an o-ring seal where you shouldn't . Where the 90 fitting ( black) goes to the straight (blue). These are AN fittings and seal internally where the two metal flared ends meet. There shouldn't be a seal of any kind there.
Please don't take this the wrong way, because anyone that has a go themself gets my respect (thats how you learn afterall) but I think before you drive the car anywhere you should get someone with a bit more knowledge just to have a little look over your work, especially the fuel system.
The last thing you want after all this hard work is for it to go up in flames.
Thanks for the advice, I only put that o-ring the because the fitting instructions weren't the greatest and I thought it would give a better seal, the fitting is as tight as it will go against the black 90 fitting and hasn't leaked yet and you can see in the photo the o-ring isn't that squished that it would be causing the other side to seal poorly, from the AAM pictures it looks like there is a gap in that space normally. But if you think its better to remove them I will.
I wish I could get someone to look at it but unfortunately with it being stuck in my garage its just myself and my dad both engineers (him being the better) Don't worry I got a ribbing for having the fitting the wrong way round
That's the reason I have tested it without firing up the engine, so we can spot the leaks before any sparks happen
Most of my mistakes have been through rushing to try and get the car ready but after being told countless times by my dad, I now know its not going to be done by 3rd April so can slow down and look things over more carefully.
The reason for posting so many pics is so you guys who have done it before can make these comments so I am kept on the right path.