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Everything posted by evilscorp

  1. Another option is get a spacer and weld in some baffle plates to the oem sump pan. Now I await the reaction after your passenger ride with mad max.
  2. Supercharged 350z = new clutch eventually(hold my breath everytime I get in mine) so your missis probably wont like a stronger clutch an kangaroo driving so I would say 370z with my head. . . . But my heart always says 350z>370z =p
  3. No to that spoiler, but does need something, not just for style but for twin turbo grip maybe something you can adjust?
  4. I thought u didnt take any photos =) when you booked into abbey?
  5. I bet you are getting pm'd some stupid questions Adrian. Great kit and price, enough said.
  6. probably best to do an oil changeas you will have reduced the properties of the oil by over heating it as you said yourself.
  7. As posted at the start http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/160918631423?ru=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_from%3DR40%26_sacat%3D0%26_nkw%3D160918631423%26_rdc%3D1 Reads faults and can clear them on a JDM.
  8. £20 backhand to a security guard at the store might help you find the culprit? I find no matter where you park people are like sheep and gather in herds, Parked a million miles away from the entrance to a morrisons the other day to come back to my car just as an old lady pulls up next to mine so close she struggled to get out, needless to say I folded my arms and watched as she had to nearly fall out her car. The car park was less than a quarter full. Hope you have some luck dude as that looks like a major ding and must have made some noise when it happened.
  9. Couldnt live with the wheel on the wrong side but I would hire one for a month or two if I could! Why not ask the guy to swap cars for a weekend to see if you like it? (shouldnt b hard if he is a friend and 370z ainy too bad a swap!)
  10. I just greesed the drive shaft today, I struggled geting the nut off(large breaker bar and 12stone sitting on it for 20mins, finally did the trick, buggered my hands in the process) the driveshaft however easily pushed back into the hub, guess I was lucky, only a slight tap with a mallet and the nut on the end of the thread free'd it nicely. Pitty I broke the split pin and nissan wont order a new one unless I go in person, trip to halfords it is then!
  11. Pipe arrived today, didnt get a chance to look at it yet as I was on my way to work when it turned up. Cheers Adrian, shame its going to sit in a corner until next year =/
  12. So we were both wrong twin charged on a standard block ...... worrying over ..... for now. Also Tony420z was it 390whp or flywheel? Guess you just jumped straight back on after it went pop!
  13. Not that twin turbo 370zs need worrie about that happening with only 500bhp =)
  14. Would like to come watch this next year, looks fab.
  15. No where does it say supercharged Adrian, turbo guys are more likly the culprits =p
  16. Sorry can't help but good to know for the future, good luck with the search.
  17. No idea how this is going to end up (probably badly), but worth watching =) gd luck!
  18. Admiral wanted over 500quid for my hyundai i10 went on a price comparison website to get a quote of 250, contact admiral to see how close they can come. . . . 'Best we can do sir is 450' lol after this year, I wont ever go back, hope they fail badly due to their own stupidity and 'lack of training'
  19. Got some ebay ones, fit well, weave looks good, no problems, well packed. I may have posted the link before if you try the search, I will hunt though my emails to see if I can find the seller. around £35 quid I think. The sellers id = autoparts0522
  20. Blink and you miss it! That was a quick buy! (not that I am surprised)
  21. I have put two t connections off the line at the front of the plenum, so boost gauge, fpr and bypass valve all off the one and it runs fine =) What/how many gauges did you go for and where r they going?
  22. Woo! Glad its all coming together Steve Have a wee play about with the fuel pressure to see if you can get it running a bit better, always handy for future to know what to do if something needs fettled. Shouldn't cause any problems with the map if its only slight changes you make. A good idle i've found is around 950rpm helps when nearly stalling the car too Have your mate look in the engine bay when stationary and yourself at the top of the fuel pump housing for any leaks when you give it a few revs, just in case it ain't coming from the exhaust. When you booked in to Abbey? P.S. as Keyser said... take it easy! .... then when its tuned, rag the hell out of it!
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