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Everything posted by evilscorp

  1. *Headshot* 1. Neilp 2. Hensh65 3. The Chubby Ninja 4. Gavo 5. Jay 6. thetranquilbass 7. chalkie4721 8. Evilscorp =)
  2. Got a large rectangle plate then cut the sides to fill the tapered hole. Not everyones taste but thought, f*&@ it.
  3. Wasso can do it in 1hour flat, lol. Just have a go yourself, dont expect results fast tho.
  4. Top or mid mount? Hp goals? Built engine? Where are you?
  5. Pm Tarmac, I am sure ive seen them on his website.(on phone so cant b arsd searching).
  6. I might sell my black ironhide one soon if I cant get it to fit correctly with my carbon bonnet, last time I tried it my supercharger belt caught the bonnet vent and shredded. Hope to play about with the catch next week. Only downside is it has some faint numbers on the underside,(came like that but didnt care as they are not seen).
  7. post away! I think you may struggle to find anyone who has had the standard ecu remapped with anything other than uprev. Try asking on the US 350z forum
  8. Any chance of a picture?(not sure about this witchcraft device ) Does it connect to the drop link? or can you not just use one of the unused holes on the anti-roll bar as you mentioned in your first post? Can't be too hard to find a bolt that fits the nut? If not try cable ties they work on everything.
  9. as corrected above, not heard anyone on here that has been uprev'd yet by TDi, but they do it
  10. I tried making some out of cf wrap to see if I would like the proper ones, they werent as good looking as the real ones and I tried a few different shapes (didnt have the measurements so looked a bit naff and short) if you can trace the correct shape they might look better.
  11. Depends how ill I am for colour, mostly the top one and when man flu keysers colour. Ta for posting the driftworks link =) might invest in two
  12. Common issue, if its a small leak I wouldnt bother changing the rocker/cam cover, I changed mine and same thing happened again, poor design. There were a few threads on the us forum about trying to get a better cover, but dont think anything came of it.
  13. I bought two, both different size fittings, both black. First turned up grey then a week later the second turned up black with a bag of skittles lol. Can't complain cheap and do the job, also handy for the small engine bay. Have noticed oil in one but not enough to drain due to the design, the other is clear. Happy with the product and since im not a show car guy not bothered about the different colours, also reminds me which cam cover the come from
  14. Can't help you mate, I am just a poor boy with an old fashioned JDM car, none of your fancy headlight pis'h. Just do what bob done, obviously not needed
  15. Yeah would look good, maybe ditch the side reflectors(but you might need something in their place like canards).
  16. Hope you make a build thread for this engine swap, it should sound pretty sweet but they don't make much power unless you do a lot of work on them. Good luck
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