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Everything posted by evilscorp

  1. Fuel damper regulator thing(attached to the end of the fuel rail)? If you mean the right side of the engine when facing it, I.e. passenger side. I think these can go bad and cause noise. Can you get under the car while the engine is running so you can pin point the area better?
  2. Cable ties solve the problem if they dont fit
  3. evilscorp

    2014 Calendar

    Been saving a pic for this =-)
  4. I can understand if you were fitting a new rad at the same time but not heard of any vortech owners that took the whole front off for their install(maybe keyser when he went mental painting)
  5. This time I will meet up before knockhill, just give me a postcode or landmark. Not sure where new house is but I will Google it or the showcase, I'm easy.
  6. It's a pants coin tray/,thing. You have to angle/wiggle it to get it in or out. Never used mine as you would loose all ur coins on the floor before you got it back in.(or I could b thinking about my prelude,that's how often I've used it)
  7. Can you fit inside it still? =-) If I had to crash a z, that's the one I would like to be in, lol. Good job.
  8. I know it's a long way but surly it doesn't take the best part of a week to make the trip, I know you are limited but not to 5mph! Lol hope all goes well m8 and safe journey.
  9. Nah its very tempting and probably the only SC'd Zed I'd buy off the forum, all the others can't drive, either smashing their cars up or driving over slabs, or stripping them etc. Darren's is the only one worth buying To be fair I'd still get bored I think..... Your offer would be rejected anyway, don't like the look of you =p
  10. Looks like a mid mount setup, from the amount of pipe work. Not sure why he has listed up to 09' hr 350z
  11. Supercharger will only whine if you get the stillen kit = not much hp. I advise people not to jump head first into fi. But might b worth a gamble (havnt looked at the link yet).
  12. Drones at 60mph in 6th, as said above. Quality is great, sound is nice and meaty/burbly below 3500rpm then gets a bit raspy. I run silenced decats tho so might b a bit louder than with cats. Not for everyday with my setup.
  13. can't wait to see this on Sunday, that rear is ace.
  14. Where are the other pics/thread? I am lazy and cannot find it within the 5mins I had spare
  15. On ds2500 at the moment, find them great, bought yellow stuff but not fitted yet, neilp likes them for the track/road and he has nitrous (when he finds somewhere to fill it up). I will be changing mine over in a few weeks probably but cant comment on performance yet, just price =)
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