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Everything posted by evilscorp

  1. Thanks, yeah it seems most builders prefer to use it rather than mechanical gauges, but since this will be my first build it will be better to have two techniques (plus a machine shop if I ever get one!)
  2. I will take that offer =) pm you when I get home from work.
  3. Has anyone used this before? http://plastigauge.co.uk/shop/plastigauge-pl-a/ I have bought a bore gauge and micrometer also but would like to have a second way of checking my bearing clearance. Aiming for 0.002" or near top end of oem specification as my build wont be an hp/rpm monster. Cheers
  4. NM seen the post from Mr Greedy above. Probably cheaper for me to drive to Alex's than have one of yours shipped up. Also need the crank to have oem size pins as I have oem size bearings
  5. I don't like the V3 but. . . . Wow that looks amazing! I think you are just lucky with your colour being so dam nice, it makes ugly stuff look like Jessica Alba.
  6. Style is your best option, I wished I had never started looking at performance mods but I am of the mind if you make you car look aggressive it better have something to back it up. Stanced is all about the slow cool drive by 8-)
  7. Congratulations, trip up to Clark motorsport might be a shout, maybe even pick stuff up when I am there =) altho I would prefer to rock up in my Z not a Hyundai I10 so March'ish?lol
  8. Not sure why you would need to update it as the 350z is an old car maybe for new cars or manufacturers not listen on the menu. I have never had the engine management light on while using this but it has shown previous codes for air/fuel issues and it cleared them fine.
  9. No, just perfect fit, you can't take you off unless you remove the big jubilee clip. Remember, it's air inlet, so it's not blowing air through there to spit the filter out By collapsing, I ment like the problem some people have with the vortech air filter. Wasn't sure how sturdy mushroom filters were (I thought the vortech looked sturdy until I seen some people's pictures of it trying to enter the blower housing!)
  10. Wow! Now that's some overtime shift! How sturdy is the mushroom filter? No chance of collapsing ?
  11. Since you aren't running deatchwerks injectors, they are probably not the problem (right Sam =)
  12. My bad lol on my mobile so sometimes miss a post with scrolling issues (embarrassed smiley)
  13. Dirty maf ? If it's been leaking oil in the intake pipes?
  14. I know nothing about them so I cant comment. South for tuning its Jezz without a doubt. Kent area for sheer knowledge on anything else its Brooklands kent. And for donuts and a laugh its The Zed Shed. Appreciate the reply, I know tdi are affiliated with abbey (tuning only I believe), I was just after a recommendation for somewhere oop north'ish as I'm in north wales . I usually do all my own servicing/repairs but with the car being under warranty I thought it prudent to get the stamp Cheers Paul rs tuning in Leeds done a great job of mines if you're wanting someone more northernly +1
  15. Lots of people don't post their opinions on the forum.... and many do..... it's all about research.
  16. Copied from a post I made on another website, which I thought would give me better ideas/answers but so far just pi$#h; Hey guys, got bored of 360whp from my vortexh v3 Sci, so I am planning on building my block and a few other things to up the power safely. Items on car: Gt maf Walbro 255pump Detchwerks 600cc injectors aam stage 0 fuel return. Stillen oil pan One step colder plugs AMS pulleys Plenum spacer Decats Dc sports exhaust. V3 SCI at 8psi. The suspension brakes etc have all been done and other mods that don't matter, just interested in the engine. So I have bought acl bearings and eagle rods, 3"charge pipe, comp clutch stage4 but need help on the rest! What I plan on buying: Arp head bolts HR head gasket? Modify the block to improve cooling and make use of the HR gasket,(drill new water ways or something, seen it on an online magazine about a drift car vq35 DE build.http://www.motoiq.com/MagazineArticles/ID/1882/PageID/2855/The-Three-Day-Wonder-Building-a-Nissan-VQ35DE-in-Just-3-Days.aspx) Fluidampr crank pulley. 3.12 vortech pulley(should max out the blower rpm) Pistons???9.8:1 or 10:1? Piston rings??? DC sports headers Lightweight flywheel Rev-up oil pump. Balance the bottom end from flywheel to crank pulley Hone block. Uprev(again) Leaving the heads alone bar cleaning. Anything I've missed/suggestions for pistons? And no I don't want to swap the blower for t-trim etc, going to see what is possible with mine. Cheers for any help =)
  17. Why do you need another walbro dont you have a 340 aromotive pump laying about What heat range are the gtr plugs? Nice idea using oem items
  18. 50/50 chance you will get your item from the OP/seller. Still waiting on my refund after he did not send an oil pump I bought off him. Have had nothing but excuses from him, dates come and go but he still has my money and wont respond to PM's.
  19. Chain tensioner maybe on its way out? Have a look at YouTube as there are a few vids on 350z timing chains so you might solve the problem yourself.
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