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Everything posted by evilscorp

  1. Looks fantastic Chris, makes me think of selling the z. . . . for a few minutes =)
  2. Looks good, I didn't mind the spoiler either.
  3. So refreshing to see complex builds like this, good luck with the rest!
  4. On my phone so apologies, but from the small corner of metal I can see on urs it doesn't look like a rev-uphttps://www.google.co.uk/search?redir_esc=&client=ms-android-htc-rev&hl=en-GB&safe=images&oe=utf-8&q=vq35%20rev%20up%20motor&source=android-browser-suggest&qsubts=1399312317895&action=devloc#facrc=_&imgrc=4rThJDbJLNcYjM%253A%3Bundefined%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.123engine.com%252Fcontent%252Fnissan9%252Fnissan9c.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.123engine.com%252Fnissan9.php%3B600%3B450
  5. Your engine will be running rough with all those changes and no tune, also pic doesn't show front metal timing cover plate, need to remove the plastic top or get camera in the gap between rad and engine to allow us to see the engine.
  6. Have you had a uprev? If not then no matter what u install you will get those results.
  7. well I glued mine together and stuck them on the front(middle, under the rad) but it might have been because I have the stillen sump which is deeper, saved me a few times anyway.
  8. you are an actual loon! I bet you jump around three times, hold your hand on your head and whistle just to walk three steps forward.
  9. Thats what I did, and it works fine.
  10. Helps if your tyres are barely road legal. Doesn't it chubby ;-) lol
  11. Just visit said country with a big empty bag and a friend who can keep hold of the items until you arrive ;-)
  12. also now my cooling panel fits so not all bad from being naff at drifting
  13. Broken side skirt, should be fixable with cable ties and fiberglass repair kit tomorrow Dis-coloured exhaust in areas, looks like its a bit hot under there, hope its ok. How she will look until I buy an aggressive lip spoiler, actually quite like it as it is (once it gets a clean) shame the number plate will no doubt ruin it.
  14. yup, cheers for the tips guys, would love to have a go somewhere open but there aint many up north.......
  15. Tell him to stop cheaping out on bags and buy one that ain't made of glass!
  16. bit of everything as it was my first and probably last go at it lol that spin was as you said I used power to kick it out too late then sha,t my pants and let off unbalancing the car too much.
  17. I had been looking at it all week my brain said yes but the heart isnt backing it up just cant stop looking at the holes This is what happened Irfan every time I understeered at the bottom corner (should have used the handbrake) and that time I gave it too much right foot on the exit and then let off too quick like a divvvv
  18. not a fan of either of them but I did like the one Jay had or maybe do luck
  19. Ok, so some of you know I had a little off while trying to drift (badly) and ripped the corner off my bumper (and damaged my side skirt but that fixable, probably). So I drove off missing the bit stuck in the ground otherwise I would have attempted a fix as it aint that bad (seen worse) I now have the dilemma of what to do for an aggressive looking front, still got my oem one (with a lot of dust) it would be easy to fit a lip spoiler and be done as its already the correct colour but I have searched and not sure I can find one I like (original nismo is nice but too common) Other option is new aftermarket bumper, I love Kris new amuse one or something like (or the exact same) as my old ING's bumper. If you have any good ideas please share as my head is all over the place
  20. lol, thank you Good on you for thinking about doing some quite serious effort to modify your car. Best part is it was a lot easier than you thought. (wish that was always the case!)
  21. Yup. Standard vortech supercharger kit doesn't even need them to work, so unless it's fi or an extreme na build don't bother.
  22. What!!!!!! Totally gutted for you mate, has he taken the sump off to see this?
  23. +1. I wanna Super Charger!. Keyser is making it easy for you then =)
  24. Still more to buy, could do with a lotto win to speed things up.
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