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Everything posted by evilscorp

  1. Obviously he does gymnastics in his spare time.... dressed as a cat.
  2. Test fitting of the new canards and GT lip from Tarmac. Low down close together or large gap?
  3. Here are a few, posted the ones with the GT lip and outside the garage on my thread (shameless plug) scream if you want to go faster
  4. Tiger seal has arrived, but going to use double sided tape to check positioning for best look/function. Have taken a few photos of the bumper off with the new lip and canards but will offer it up to the car so people can get an idea. Excuse the old tiger seal on the oem bumper lip there was a carbon cover on it before which is now destined for the bin I think.
  5. Waiting for mine to arrive, bumper is off and will fit gt lip this week along with the carbon canards. Will post pics when done.
  6. Looks nearly finished to me? Not Much of a project with such a nice car!
  7. Hey Kev. That's interesting — are these off the shelf products or custom fabricated? If the former, where are they from. I'd like to find out more about this (to satisfy my own nerdy curiosity!) http://www.tarmacsportz.co.uk/GB/370z_Zspeed_Aluminum_Undertrays/370ZSPUT_.aspx
  8. Bargain! The build detail was outstanding on this car, someone is going to be very lucky/happy owner . . . . . (Once they change the colour =p )
  9. I presume it's a DE rev -up you have at the moment?
  10. Hope you have enough fuel to get where you are going, seen you stop at Tesco kilburnie to the disappointment of no super, followed you down in my white I10 sounds like a nice aftermarket exhaust, what is it?
  11. it's missing the x pipe section, should be longer I think. Can't remember how the pipes connect to the x pipe section but that has no flanges.
  12. Its not the same as my DC sports exhaust, must be an old, old version or fake? mine has a x over.
  13. Mines not all set up yet but this is how I was going to do my set up; On the passenger side I was going to put a mini breather filter. On the drivers side I was going to take the pipe from the crank case to the oil catch can, then take the pipe from the exit side of the oil catch can to the plenum with a non return check valve inline to stop pressure from the plenum going backwards towards the oil catch can/crank case. Same for me but have not drilled out the oem pcv valve. I have to empty my rutland motors catch tank every 3-4 long drives as it fills up quite fast.
  14. Looks good, but prefer garage mak widebody kit if only it was £4k lol.
  15. Mine should arrive tomorrow, after a delay from customs =/
  16. Lovely =) if only I had less sense. Think you are becoming like Ian. Lol
  17. 30mins work + some grease. £40?
  18. If your boosting, it means you have balls! (And a back up fund for when it goes pop!)
  19. Happy for you mate, with all the hassle in the past. Onwards and upwards (faster)! Enjoy, I give you till next year before you want more lol.
  20. Got a seibon bonnet, got bonnet pins, but been driving about for couple of years with them sitting in my cubby compartment =/ need to fit them soon, only reason I feel safe is that I don't do silly speeds or track much but having tried the drag strip I don't feel confident in the seibon latch alone. Just need the balls to drill the holes now.
  21. evilscorp

    My Supra

    Nothing stealthy about that snail!
  22. If you have a look/sqwint you can see the hole in this pic on the 90° bend also not sure you need the dampener as fluid hammer shouldn't happen as it will continue the path down the straight return hose at the end? All I can say is mine works great and fuel pressure is stable, but you might as well contact them to set you nerves at ease. Vortech is NOT Aam, two different companies, two different products. Better to ask questions now before it goes on the car though.
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