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Everything posted by evilscorp

  1. I wish I knew what normal hours were. Is this Monday morning?
  2. No I don't think the efficiency is exactly at 75% in the power band, it could be anywhere (more likely higher up) but the amount of energy converted from rotating (being spun by the belt) could only ever be a max of 75% as heat/noise etc will loose you that 25% of the energy you put into spinning the blower. Basically ignore the75% it's about fuel efficiency and boring stuff
  3. No, power only goes up as the revs rise as you spin the blower faster, smaller pulley= blower spins faster at lower rpm. What you need to calculate is how fast can you spin your blower. Efficiency is due to parasitic losses that supercharger creates. Sorry phone ran out of battery. Off you go on vortechs website you can calculate the speed you are spinning your blower, I.e. aim for 53k so that might mean lower rev limit but change to smaller pulley or change cog setup or crank pulley size etc.
  4. No. Unless you want to spend thousands and are going for a sophisticated high hp build don't bother.
  5. Dc sports and silenced decats is quite loud and has a bit of a drone at 60mph, fine at 65tho. Deep below 3500rpm but raspy up top. Not for everyone but I love mine, not a daily driver tho.
  6. Wing arrived today Now just need to find some time to pick it up from my parents
  7. Might need this in a few months so I will take it off you (I presume it fits the VQ35?)
  8. Darren is selling some 725cc injectors in the for sale section.
  9. I would rather we start putting up our own findings if anyone has them, I will in a few months time hopefully now my pistons have arrived. Wiseco recommend 0.0035" on my pistons normally they will give you a guide when you order.
  10. http://my350z.com/forum/forced-induction/548258-oil-bearing-clearance-high-whp.html
  11. TTS is faster than a z let alone the RS, my dad previously beat my 03 Z in nearly every situation."previously"
  12. nope i am afraid not as its built inside the bell housing I believe.
  13. Too many doughnuts??? Lol , can't keep up with your shenanigans, need to find out where this sc 370z came from? Darrens old car?
  14. If it's an early model I.e. not a rev up just crawl under and grease the slave cylinder as it's on the outside of the gearbox (05/06+ have them inside) just pull the rubber sleeve back and stick some on it. Mine happens when it's wet as the water runs down my engine(carbon vents bonnet) and into the slave causing the grease to wash away and I get that horrible squeak. If that doesn't work zmanalex/clarkmotorsports will get you a new one =)
  15. Seen your dad's car a few times at the shows, really suits the rally look with the decals.
  16. I thought you could get good access to the tensioner just by removing the cover plate on the front? There is even a YouTube video for it I am sure. Hope they didn't take the whole thing appart as Nissan ain't known for their tech skills at most dealers Not that it helps you much.
  17. No, might use carbon wrap or wait for full Matt wrap.
  18. Just missing a BGW I think and then she is done style wise. Well maybe matt black wrap as ive always wanted a black car, just couldnt wait 4 years ago Maybe next months entry for the critics polls, glad i ain't in this months
  19. Still not 100% finished with the lip and may add some nuts and bolts to hold everything on for peace of mind. But this is how they look in the sun.
  20. I think you know the answer I will be in contact tomorrow or Saturday
  21. Was a carbon cover thing for the middle bit the previous owner put on with too much tiger seal. fingers are blistered after removing it with a hair dryer. Here is how much tiger seal I applied for the canards. spirit gauge was useless One side went on quite easy, the other was a little tricky, slight different angle on it so took a few attempts and some mole grips to get the angle right. Note, use lots of masking tape and wait till its rubber like consistency before using your nails or something to push/scrape off any over squidge(cant think of the right term). excuse the masking tape as its for the lip tomorrow.
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