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Everything posted by evilscorp

  1. Don't even need the undertray off, you can fit your arm down behind the radiator and in front of the engine and tighten from there, even with supercharger piping in the way (just involves some blood loss usually from my knuckles.)
  2. H22A engines rock and are bullet proof if kept standard or mild mods. Lovely engagement sound when vtec kicks in yo. Had a prelude but the most powerful version was in the euro R accord.
  3. Nice job, might get some and have a go myself.
  4. Keep your standard engine and save for a spare in case it goes pop, total waste of money building for that level in my opinion, but like 90% of people who go FI, power hunger happens and you always want more.
  5. Rods are the weak point, but piston ring lands go sometimes so you could get away with just them and oem rebuild kit but when you have it apart you might as well over spec everything! Really depends on how much hp you want. Kinda vague question. Rods come with bolts btw.
  6. Vortech comes with warranty. . . Shame it only counts in the US. As for noise at idle, it's not that nice to begin with and very unusual sounding for a car, but it grew on me. Personally listen to Ekona, he generally speaks the sensible truth, but if your brain hurts when you read his comments, you probably have a problem and should buy a supercharger, or turbo if you are smart and having someone else do the work.
  7. Did not realize that was your car Alex, one of two that got me hooked on 350z (Nemesis first 350z project car was the other one)). I thought yours was used in drift competitions at some point?
  8. Might want to check your suspension, I know I would if a 2tonnes car Sat on it. Hope you get it fixed and that douche is hit hard with penalties.
  9. evilscorp

    JDM VlsD

    Just to be clear... is it the whole unit/internals or just the pumpkin? I will have the internals out of mine soonish if you need them (but I presume from the 2-way diff comment its just the pumpkin you need?)
  10. Looks a good deal, just a heads up you wont need a return line for the V3 but extra oil is a must
  11. Some dark elf dude Had a bit'c# that hung around my house but now sum dude that cast pet wolf he bums Civil partner, well he looks at my guy funny. scale armor rags look like a hobo with a fancy glass helmet Some big evil mace that sucks peoples souls, used to have evil red eyes? Morth@~#? Guild?? everyone is worth a stabby stabby!!
  12. Might be worth changing the headers also, as I believe they are a right pain otherwise. Well if you have zeditus, best to manage the disease with planning ahead. =)
  13. Were the other cars on track stationary? Lotus looked like it was parked you went by that quick. what do you reckon is the power to weight?
  14. Bottom of page http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/64159-scream-if-you-want-to-go-faster/
  15. I can only hear the pump when you prime the car but doesn't intrude to much after just a small buzz that your exhaust will probably drown out. The walbro comes with 3-4 tabs on the bottom if I remember right, will have a look if I have any pics to hand. Personally I am now after a 340 pump as I think I may encounter lack of fuel soon enough.
  16. Hopefully they know how to deal with boosted cars too
  17. Bolloc#s if I had known that Tarmac sold them, back when I was looking to buy must be a newish addition to his site. Yes walbro pump needs modified to fit, just some cutting to do. I tried to drive about with 660cc injectors but drove like a pig and that was with a frs but can't remember if I had the Vortech on or not at the time. AEM air/fuel and boost. Didn't want lots of gauges distracting me and the fuel pressure regulator on the return system has one so can just open bonnet to check.
  18. Fluidampr was from tegiwa imports (they had a deal on so got mine for £372 delivered) only one size from what I can see. The 660cc detchwerks will run like a pig without a tune and spray too much (as the ecu still thinks they are oem) as for dirty disregard that, just make sure you give your filter sock a good clean when you swap in the walbro. I still have the dual mass flywheel which acts as a damper as well but will be switching to single lightweight hence the need for the fluidampr also spins my blower max speed without over reving.
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