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Everything posted by evilscorp

  1. I think I actually took a gopro video of me taking it apart but its not really needed and is just me looking at the clutches for ages lol. I would maybe suggest clamping the cover down before removing the hex bolts as it will want to pop off and puts a bit of stress on the last bolt thats holding it together.
  2. Hi Kev, only other issue was the tight tolerances for sliding in the pressure rings. apart from that and the lack of spare hex bolts they say they provide it was a piece of ****, just remember which way it goes in and out.
  3. Looked at the website yesterday, must have missed the new price release
  4. Cheers guys went for it before I seen the reply's and yeah I was just being too soft. Needed to clamp quite hard and it all went in fine, started to torque up the bolts to 19NM as suggested and the allen heads started to strip so stopped. Its on tight and the ring gear bolts should hold it together anyway but waiting on Clark motorsports getting back to me as the manual says the bolts should be replaced each time (probably because they are made so cheese) and they supply you with one set of spares (which mine did not have ) never mind all good and set up for 60% lock.
  5. Good read cheers but theirs just lined up a and bolted together =/ think I am over thinking this and just need to clamp it hard down and bolt it back up.
  6. That is the issue hard to tell it's 100% lined up when the cover goes on, a slight twist could put the rectangular halves out of line and they need squished into the groves. Also quite an unusual shaped bolt so would struggle to get one that fits. Think I just have to keep trying with the g clamps and small movements. Bloody rx7 kaaz diff looked a piece of pis on YouTube. Lol.
  7. Hi guy's, took the Kaaz diff apart to set the locking to 60% rather than the 100% it comes with. Issue I am having is lining everything back up and clamping it down to re fit the bolts (another issue is being kindly looked into by Ewen at Clarkmotorsports) Too cold to work outside and my garage is too small atm, so the missus isn't pleased. Just for peoples ref this is it in half and the gears inside Trying to get it back together but dont want to force it, As you can see from the photo once the inner gears are in place there isnt much room for the clutch plates to sit in grooves, the two spring plates at either side cause this. Basically you have to line up the A type clutch plates in the inner semi circle grooves and the B type plates in the outer half rectangle groove, which is hard as they are all tight and you cant get your fingers inbetween once the cover is over.
  8. Have you got a spark plug tester? = let you know the coils are ok etc, if they are its fuel related probably, all an engine needs is a spark and fuel so..... check the fuse for the fuel pump since you still haven't said if you can hear it prime....
  9. Nissan dealer, lol. Would rather ask someone at kwikfit for their advice =/ generally what is said on here is the advice to go by. All are owners and know how to break or maintain the Z as it's normally their pride and joy.
  10. Car guy at work had one after his boxter s, he enjoyed the v8 noise as did I but think the mpg put him off (not that it should be an issue if you know what you are buying) They still look sharp I think even compared with new bmw's
  11. Can you hear the fuel pump prime when you switch on accessory in the ignition?
  12. Don't know but you might want to change the one at the end of the fuel rail too while you have it apart?
  13. WWoww, thats just DIY gone mental! The weight at the rear just shows this guy is nuts lol.
  14. Finally had some time off work, but the weather stopped me playing for too long, Exhaust off (well part of) Then started to undo the drive shaft bolts before thinking I should check the manual, needless to say it says take off the prop shaft Marked up the coupler, lucky my dad had some spare paint sticks he wont miss But as normal it didn't want to come off nicely, does anyone have a suggestion, better to give it some hard taps with a hammer (tried soft ones with a spanner) or do you have to pull it towards the engine to free it up? Lost the light and weather stopped me at this point so left it sprayed with wd40 for an attack tomorrow. Hopefully not to hungover as i had a retirement doo (free bar) to go to
  15. Wow, that was an impressive thread steal from nowhere? =/
  16. Personally I would leave performance mods unless going FI, as for the car looks, just do what feels right, if you fancy a bonnet wrap go for it as like most things it can be removed if you don't like it. As for mrt comments, he obviously doesn't know the car =) lol
  17. I would be more worried about a burnt freaking leg =S
  18. yup, have a look yourself cant miss it
  19. Also not having marked bays will be in their favour, as they could simply say you are only ment to park on the good concrete part even if that means only 2cars can do so.
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