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Everything posted by evilscorp

  1. No it does but it's up at the end of the month and the car is inaccessible from the front at the moment and for the next few months. Also rather not put any marks against my name for insurance as it's cheap enough just now, for me to continue upgrading the car.
  2. Yeah £400 is what I was expecting, cheers. Time to save up.
  3. Anyone paid cash for a new windscreen? yes I know I could claim through insurance but how much does it cost to replace? Phoned autoglass who passed me around from call center to repair center and told me they would call me back as they didnt have their own part number or some pis'h anyway that was last week. No rush as the car will be off the road for a couple months probably. Might end up buying a rear crash damaged car as I would like a new engine and head lights to play with. Cheers for any response as always.
  4. Don't be fooled into thinking you have to go with the compression ratios shown in the shops, didn't cost much more to get custom ones made to suit your engine.
  5. I would expect a T trim would be able to flow/boost near perfect around 9.5-9.8:1 depends on the rest of your setup? Crank pulley? Headers etc. I am hopeful that when I finally get round to installing my 9.8:1 (I think, need to check my build thread again as they have dust on them, same as my brain.) It should be in the optimum power band with my pulley setup/other mods.
  6. It's carbon fiber so you can cut up your old one and make a bunch of those hoop earrings. Personally I would get under the car an have a look as it's easy to see if they are taking the **** or if it's frayed and cracked.
  7. Take Dan's offer then, £2000 sounds like a bargain.
  8. Remember running costs...... best to start with a cheap to run/fix banger and see how you go before progressing. Don't mean to sound like a dick but would hate to see you have the car you want, but have to give it up. Car's can be fickle things and throw spanners in the works, I found it a steep financial learning curve with my first sports car.
  9. http://www.speedhunters.com/2010/10/car_feature_gt_gt_project_zed/ Think it was over 2000+ when it was sold. Can't be bothered searching for the latest information though.
  10. Popped off the alu diff cover, but will need to wait to find someone to hold the diff while I undo the bearing housings as I dont have a workbench with a vice yet Spent half an hour with a wire brush trying to remove some rust, not sure if I should go the whole hog and paint it after I am finished to give it some protection from the scottish elements.
  11. Dibs on the sandwich plate if it comes with the two blanks?
  12. Yeah thanks for hunting it down for me, don't think I will need to upgrade it anytime soon No Sam just the stillen sump to increase the amount of oil, the amount of holes in my old bumper and bonnet along with lack of track work + scottish weather mean I shouldnt have an issue. Also plan on either doing the HR block mod for cooling or the patherfinder mod but not sure if the latter has been faded out? I do plan on getting an oil temp sensor at some point though just to make sure.
  13. I believe so lol, its the tredstone 1245 or something like that. Think the crash bar might be having a meeting with the hacksaw though. New bumper is being considered but the one I want will cost £2000+ for the kit to be imported and that just aint going to happen anytime soon since I have only just bought the lip and canards to try beef this one up, probably hacksawing that too so I dont have the black slats in the grill just a big gaping hole.
  14. This arrived Bloody hell its big and heavy, think I might have to put the boot weight back in to counter balance it Also new 340lph fuel pump and 1000cc injectors, wish I had just gone all out to begin with
  15. Found my hen's tooth and some fueling bits Cheers guys, great service and updates.
  16. evilscorp

    Cayman GT4

    I actually like a Porsche one thing I thought in life I was certain about , now I think that looks lovely, take me away to the funny farm,
  17. Had a bit of spare time before I go to work so finally dropped the diff out, fook me its heavy and awkward, Not the easiest to lower the jack and hold the dam thing on the jack while scrambling for something to cut the dam breather hose that will not come off! Also had to use a hammer and chisel to free the rust holding the propshaft to the diff coupling, was a last resort as not matter how much tapping or wiggling it would not budge, hasnt left any marks I can see but will defo need a clean up of the rust Plan was to lift it in the house to work on it but think I will open it outside first... after a clean up. Still need to order the new bearing etc but will wait to see the state of the insides first before I start pestering Ewen.
  18. Stock block + 1000cc injectors = pointless, Built engine + 1000cc injectors = fun.
  19. I guess your blind Dan? or is your lounge shaped like this?
  20. Sounds like a good idea...... How much does the oem spoiler go for anyway? (not that I have sold any item I have ever taken off the dam car )
  21. Looks great as is, what lip spoiler have you got on the rear? Is it the oem one with the bgw? Can you post more pics as yours looks great but I was thinking I would have to remove the oem spoiler before fitting my bgw so it didn't look too far up the rear hatch.
  22. Nothing a little shave or hacksaw in my case wont solve! Had the INGs+1 bumper which had a huge gape in the middle and went far back to the radiator, just needed a wee cut out for the intercooler pipe work and itself. Looked sweet.... until I ripped it off
  23. Probably not as I need to replace all the bushes on the rear subframe and new windscreen. . .
  24. Yup. I set it up so that the spring plate is on the outer (as it comes like from the factory)then x2 of the clutches with teeth on the outer rim then x2 with teeth on their inner rim. After that just normal alternating plates.
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