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Everything posted by evilscorp

  1. Grooves and holes reduce surface area so for better emergency braking oem probably wins but if your on and off them constant the muck and dust will get swept away better with grooves and holes cool the center of a red hot pad. For day to day car I would stick to oem.
  2. The shot blasting gives the metal a rough texture so kept the old shells in, so I wouldn't need to polish them to fit the new ones. Powder coating would have been nice but cost too much and they said they were busy and would have been an extra couple of weeks to get that done. It was more spur of the moment test as I realized my W brace would have been a prime candidate for blasting also... shame I only just kicked it over tonight at the back of the garage
  3. Having a play with gopro studio for first proper time, Michael Bay watch out
  4. Day off, so will try and get a few things done. Sprayed the kidney arms a nice shade of red primer along with the fuel tank sheild, still need to do the subframe but will wait till ive finished removing those pesky bushes. Chapped up the lip on the bushes and cut them off with a hacksaw so I could have somewhere to press against on the arm, This was not fun, very hard to get the lines and angles perfect especially with the extension rod thing that only has a small flat on top, the rest is curved so expected it to fire out at me Initially started the pushes into some brand new 34mm sockets.... to find it just catches the inside need either 35mm or 36mm to be able to push all the way through, but the handy plates that came with the press were fine once it was started. I have made a boob with my purchase though. I ordered whiteline bushes thinking it will be a similar design to superpro i.e. two halves and a metal sleeve in the center but.. they are like the oem items (outer shelled also) so will not be as easy to fit also from looking at them they do not have any lips or directional indications on them, the website is poor and doesn't show you much info. Not impressed. I will however open the packet and get the micrometer out for a good inspection/comparison before fitting them. Hopefully an over night stay in the freezer should help them slide in easier.
  5. As Neilp will tell you, its hard to find places to fill your bottle in Scotland.
  6. Had a few drinks and about to head to the pub, Its a molded plastic pipe that is not connected to anything. End of As for the fleebay air filter, I give it a couple months before it rusts. There will be another flexi hose connected to the crankcase under the pipe same as you UK spec guys (I think, but as above mine is now attached to a oil catch can and breather filter.) Apart from this random pipe and exhaust I think the rest of the engine is the same JDM vs UK
  7. The other end is not connected (blanked) its probably to do with changing the induction noise, same as you get on some exhaust test pipes. Even has its own bolt to stop it flapping around as can be seen in the picture.
  8. Don't worry about the pipe, my jdm car had that design too, if I can remember back then . . .I ended up doing the opposite fitted the standard airbox onto a cheap metal pipe kit.
  9. Cheers dude, shame its not as quick as I would like but hey ho! I have also chosen red for my subframe Think I will skip the green, yellow.... rainbow effect.
  10. Back from the blasters, not much metal left on this part But fortunately its some sort of stone shield for the fuel tank I think The main subframe and arms came out great Bought some red primer along with a 33mm and 34mm impact sockets (no long reach ) so hopefully should get the bushes done at the weekend and have these painted ready to go back on. Just hope the threads are ok as its quite rough, think the steel wool and wd40 will be out in force again.
  11. Vortech V3 oil bought and delivered next day needed in the distant future as I am a hoarder.
  12. Ian is part of the reason I am having a long slow mental break down, if only he had kept that first Z standard and not fitted a supercharger under a gazebo, gives impressionable boys ideas of grandeur and delusion lol.
  13. Live in Scotland. . . Heater is on 364 days of the year.=(
  14. If I had only stuck to my original plan of changing the subframe bushes and the diff
  15. Subframe is still at the blasters So got cracking on and built my press and started pushing out bushes, much love to Keyser for pointing out how to do it all on his build thread, saved a bit of head scratching on some of the weird ones . So after moving all of 2mm, resistance and realization that my biggest socket is just a ball hair too small So now need to take a trip to halfords for a 33mm,34mm,35mm socket set to be on the safe side. The brake shield also stops access to one of the bushes for removal on the hub. Next step was try again to remove the stuck ball joint nut.... no luck, need the driveshaft off......wont come off... have no vice and need so much force it will all need rebuilt on the car and hooked up to the prop shaft and stuck in first gear to probably come off Soooo I feel like Ian.
  16. Now that's a turbo!! Have you got a massive counter weight to hang out the window so the car doesn't roll over =p
  17. 2.5" dc sports true dual with cross over x pipe. And decats. Bit raspy up top and at 60mph in 6th has a bit of drone(no sound deadening in boot). I have manifolds to go on at some point too. If I had turbos like Alex or when I build my engine larger pipes (4"?? Mad man!) might get bought for testing.
  18. One less thing for the engine to turn. The air con pump will cause drag even when not on, so you may gain back 0.5bhp from the drive train losses??? I only say this as I broke my air con pipe ages ago and keep toying with the idea of removing the unit and all the guff rather than buy a new pipe
  19. Subframe was dropped off at the shot blasters yesterday, inner metal sleeves have been burnt out the bushes but still need to chap out the outer sleeves with a hammer and chisel,keyser style, not easy and have a few bumps but still all stuck in solid! Hopefully the shot blasting will remove some rust on the stuck spring carrier that I could not unbolt even with the blow torch
  20. Whp or flywheel bhp? Even supercharged cars in the USA have made 700bhp.
  21. Unless you are after mega hp I.e. 800-900+ then I would not bother with sleeves.
  22. Finally someone has seen the gap in the market!
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