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Everything posted by evilscorp

  1. You are fine, think you can even see the rear washer is loose in this pic.
  2. I have not had mine off in a while but it could be a rubber washer is fitted to the rear facing arm but not the front, similar to what the rear upper arm thing has (sorry about not being technical bit tired 12hour shift.) Best way to check is google images.
  3. Nope, haven't seen a picture of yours mate, post it up for a lookie.
  4. Cheers marzman they look like an option, if I could find one localish 100miles lol. Just not a fan of German v8 noise I think. =s
  5. Let me hear more about point number 2 . . .
  6. All depends what the missus gets.... spends should I say. Just going to wait till the right car... probably 300c pop's up nearish me i.e. scotland lol.
  7. Just googled s4 4.2 timing chain think I dodged a built there. Chain at back of engine......
  8. not after a 4x4, it was a green/blue one near cambuslang. Ended up test driving a audi s4 4.2 v8 today, was a nice car, but my the engine doesnt half sit over the front wheels shame the dealer wasn't up for part-ex on my hyundai also think the timing chain tensioner was on its way out and the oil cooler pipes and bottom of engine had quite a bit of oil residue. But the hunt is over as the missus now demands a new car so can't afford both.. off to look at some renualt pish thing and a alfa giulietta.
  9. Bum, can't find the car I was going to see tomorrow, think it's sold =(
  10. Just can't change my view on those headlights, they are horrid, shame as the rest of the car is great.
  11. Main project is on hold until I can get a decent builder for my garage =(
  12. 6k. Hope to get 3.8-4k from the I10.
  13. Vxr8 is out of my price range sadly.
  14. All v8's lol, but has to be practical ish. The only other that takes my fancy is an old s4, mercs in my budget don't look nice, not after a 4x4, manaros a possibly. Xk is a no, and bmw v8s don't make the noise I want lol.
  15. Couple of mine here, unpainted http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/64159-scream-if-you-want-to-go-faster/page__st__220
  16. Quite a few people are rocking this but most have left it black. On my phone so can post photos, I am sure someone will b along soon.
  17. evilscorp

    300c hemi

    I am fed up driving my 1.2L hyundai i10. The v8 itch needs scratched, been looking at first gen chrysler 300c's the 5.7L hemi engine sounds brilliant with an upgraded exhaust (can't have it too loud though as it will be my daily driver and I work shifts). What are peoples opinions? I like the styling mostly keep having to look at the front though the interior is pants but comfy so better than the i10 or my Z. Servicing will be done by myself but expect parts command a premium. Had a quick look at a 300c forum but felt dirty and like I was cheating. Might go test drive one in glasgow soon as the hyundai has a month or two warranty left so would be easier to sell.
  18. Wow, that sounds like a scary off! Glad you are ok and hope you will have a go at fixing her but if not I am sure you can strip her for parts for a replacement. Meteral things can be replaced, though it probably hurts like hell in your heart to see your toy in such a poor state.
  19. How thick is the whole kit compared to the oem items. I.e. will I still be able to crush my hand into a mess trying to tighten my supercharger belt? Or will my knuckles regrow skin?
  20. Honestly, i can't comment the car was off the road for 8 months then fitted all new bushes and camber arms,trailing arms, new diff.... so not sure what to say. The car feels better than I can remember but I have not taken it to the track yet to see what it can do. The diff is set too aggressive for the road (and track probably) the nvh is really bad at the moment and the tires scrabble as I go round slow corners. Basically I've ruined it as a road car
  21. Dc sports goes over the others side too same as most I guess.
  22. Not got round to doing the fronts yet lol, lost most of my summer fitting the rear whiteline items.
  23. Ok cheers Chris, was just thinking about having a wee tune up and throwing on a smaller pulley for the charger while I wait to build my new engine.
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