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Everything posted by evilscorp

  1. Wasted a few hours trying to find the best location for the horn's, so ended up using the front bumper bracket, Had to file away some of the bracket so the original metal plate would lie flush, then made a longer alu plate to attach the other horn as it was just too short to attach to the first horn. Also I did a bit of measuring for the intercooler, to see how much I will have to cut off the supercharger pipe work. Might try and get up before my shift tomorrow and have a go at making the new brackets for the intercooler, still undecided if I will use aluminium or steel for the bracket as its heavy
  2. Too many plans for the car so can't commit to anything but plan on going to shows this year or next once its complete.... or nearly complete.
  3. Update, have some time off over the next few days so hopefully the weather stays good so I can work on the car. Have been babying the car (when I get the chance to drive it) as the filter is manky and has never been cleaned I had always wondered why everyone else did not have nice straight fins on their filters... due to it needing to be crushed to hell to get the dam thing out lol. So this is what I started with, smart me put the worm gear clips facing the ground and was not in the mood for laying on the ground to take the undertray off, so much fiddling with an 8mm spanner got them off. Then it was on to relocating the temp sensor and horns as the new intercooler wouldnt fit. No shaft play, bit of oxidation but no powder. This wont work Bit of steel pipe and some cutting. I will need to buy another 30* angle silicone hose to allow the new K&N to fit above the intercooler, might need to shave a bit off the rad surround and the bonnet so it closes also I think I may loose my bonnet holding upper rod thing or have to cut it an inch shorter so it doesnt hit the silicon pipe. The alu rad surround plate thing that I have will need cut so it doesn't foul either. The wife wasn't happy when I used her hair bobbles and food bags to cover the exposed ends of pipe work (I thought I had elastic bands, honest!) Also noticed the bolt holes don't line up well with the crash bar, not sure if the black front rad surround is slipping down as its covering the holes slightly so I couldn't get the bolts tight (didnt want to cross thread the buggers). Need to shorten the supercharger pipework to fit the new intercooler as they are too long at the front, that or get new thicker ones made
  4. About to buy the missus a guilletta 1.4, 170bhp, anyone got any experience of these?
  5. Fuel tank probably, subframe is on studs. But easier to do what Alex said
  6. ^^or just remove the wheel before fitting the arms =) lol. Nice job, I know what you mean about being fiddly trying to grind away the subframe.
  7. Very nice timing cover also the job Simon has done on your paint work is making me think I should give him a second chance for my bodywork upgrades in a couple of months.
  8. I think the AMS is standard size, (well if it's the same set I run). Gates belts ftw.
  9. Good clean, remove battery trickle charger on it every few weeks and as above start her up every month or so and let everything get up to temp, only difference is mine is in a garage and only for 4 months max.
  10. On a personal note please redirect myself to this thread in a few months after I go down in flames ;-)
  11. If your going to try and stand out and be different, expect the consequence, if you like it then who gives a &$@# but if you need constant reassurance you are doing 'the right thing' then just buy a golf and be done with modifications.
  12. What's your setup and how much hp are you expecting? Not many people have issues unless they are built block and aiming for the sky.
  13. You would also need a larger crank pulley which would be the biggest pain, also can't remember (been so long since I looked at my car) is there enough space between the piping to fit larger width pulleys?
  14. Anyone know of somewhere in the UK that sells these? Might also be after the sideskirts too. I know Jay had it on his old car but I think he is too busy playing with his camaro to be on here anymore.
  15. If you are happy with the noise you have now save your cash.
  16. Building warrent being bought in 30mins, gonna be big =) watch this space. . . Once the weather clears up =/ Only sticking point about buying a house was it had to have a double garage or space for one.
  17. Car looks good one question that I have never thought of until now, how easy is it to access the rear cubby with fixed back seats? I see you have the buddy club rails, do they have enough forward movement?
  18. Passengers side is more likely to run lean I believe, think O2 sensors have to be a certain distance from the manifolds and just drill a new hole in your decat pipe and weld in some new bungs. Do tuners not prefer to use the oem sensors to tune?
  19. It was the 2D print I watched, as 3D hurts my mates eyes
  20. Went to see it last night, not sure how I feel about it, was a good movie but reminded me of total recall, basically the same as before but changed a bit. New characters were good, c3p0 and leia got fat, there was comedy but the right amount and not jaja kid pish. The bad guy.... at least he can be hated now and will hopefully be a bit more evil looking under that helmet. Looking forward to the next film, I expect luke and leia to be the hero's parents as Dan said previously, powers too quickly for my liking unless its her 11th toe that has caused it.
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