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Everything posted by evilscorp

  1. Don't want these coming off so a few bolts to hold them on, plan to sort the gap after japfest with filler but no time and it shouldn't show. The missus chopping board got hacked up... the megan wing is built for a flat tailgate so having to make angled packers and this was the best thing i could think of that would stand up to the forces/weather stuck a rubber strip under it as well for good measure... just hope it sprays black otherwise its something else to wrap This is the duff side that needs a bit more work + some 65mm m6 bolts Full day of fun tomorrow
  2. Megan BGW is a been trying lots of things to fill the gap on the stands as they are designed for flat tailgates. Ended up hacking up a chopping board but its taken 3hours to do just one side as its not great to sand and the dremel is hard work to cut it correctly. Grams styling diffuser also sh#@ no instructions no hardware, the brackets are not the same as the top secret one that it is a copy of so will have to make my own and cut the thing up as there is no way it will fit with my exhaust... its like its been built for a single exit backbox exhaust Stereo is nice and the rear fog lights have now been wired correctly, also mounted the new boot release and number plate lights... no sign of the reverse camera from china so wont be fitting that
  3. Probably just go to work ask if the family can come in too... for an extended visit.
  4. youtube is your friend just type what you want
  5. Just about to start googling myself as I have a Top secret copy that needs fitted this week. I will let you know if I find any good links... or just gunho and do it later in the week.
  6. no problem, otherwise you would have multiple people throwing money at someone only for them to run away with it all.... not that I believe anyone on this great site would do that. I also understand the op would prefer to sell it as a job lot to save hassle... even if it is to a trader
  7. When you decide what you want to do the money is here waiting, and LDUNKZ18, YES that is how the forum works.
  8. Only issue is that no one has made copys of it yet, so you have to buy original $$$. But I agree with above the car looks good at the moment, suits the colour well.
  9. NEW number plate light bracket. spray booth also started on the rear, one side is fine the other isn't
  10. Where do you plan to buy the bolts? Been looking and pro bolt cost an arm and a leg!
  11. I feel your pain bud! Fronts looking seamless and sweat! Are you leaving the front rivets exposed near the lights?
  12. If you do use filler, don't mix air pockets into it, find a smooth mixing technique between hardened and compound.
  13. Ive got the lapping tool and paste, just not the time Yours will be harder as I can at least drive mine even if it looks like a bag of sH@t The plan was to have my engine built too for japfest but that was just crazy thoughts Today's work, aligning the other side. cutting the fang so it lined up better. under sealing the rivnuts so no water gets in between the skins. final positioning and rivnut the front sections. I can live with the gap but might do some filler work later. still to fit the last rear section on this side, should align fine as the rear bumper is oem and designed for this kit. The other side should be easier now I know what to do and compare it to something. Next big job will be the spray painting then wrapping it all
  14. Thanks guys, the main worry is that my wheels don't fit right, unfortunately the eta is basically from now to a week after japfest =( so can't really tell how well they will fit as I can't leave the bodywork until they arrive as it will be too late. Just going to keep plugging along, waiting on my reverse camera so can't fit the rear yet and the stereo so everything is happening sporadically.
  15. This is painful! So much respect to Brian McCann for doing this combo right. I just don't have the skills or time so its not going to look pretty. If I have time I will use filler to blend the gaps better, but looking unlikely for now. The top left section will be cut to follow the lines of the Amuse wing vents but I plan to keep the fang with a spacer behind and bolt it to the sideskirt blade thing to help keep things rigid. Won't have nice flowing lines
  16. Mexico for a wedding and relaxation. No cars though =(
  17. My dad gave me a hand today to drill the holes and rivnut the rear arch on, also marked up the line I need to cut for the front arch. . . . there will be a lot of cutting involved to make it look good, which isn't good as both parts aint cheap Side skirts were on and off again, need some more sanding and a bit of drilling to increase the arch winglet attachment holes.
  18. As above, but I didn't remove the vinyl and its worked ok, did mine in one sheet was a pain in the butt and the door creases ain't great. Have a look in my build thread for pics.
  19. Just bought this lol, good price with the extras. Wiring mine up to a jdm but not checked compatability yet.
  20. At the time of writing i was a bit drunk and i am only saying cos I have rota's lol, keyboard warrior coming out past few days lol, Looking good so far anyway, liking the nardi wheel?
  21. A bit messy but it will be getting a coat of underseal and wont be seen again, main thing is to keep the dirt and water away from the gaps in the panel.
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