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Everything posted by evilscorp

  1. Pick up my z on thursday hopefully! Sell my Prelude Saturday! Great times ahead! Just want to know when the next meet in scotland is so I can deside what exhaust to buy. Supercharger hunt is still on but not in a rush, will phone abby as they are HKS dealers. Hopefully a true member thursday. Will let you know how I get on! Peace! Evilscorp.
  2. Not de-limited so may need 2buy 2things from those lovely(expencive) guys at hks. Peace! Evilscorp.
  3. Seems to be a good car, going for a second veiwing on monday 2let my father test drive it as he has insurance,unfortunatly ive only got 3pft. dont think he will budge much on the price, if i get 50quid and a full tank of gas outta him i will be happy. Not going for the 20s as they are too big mabe 19s max to keep rolling weight down as I plan to turn it into a focused sports car. Whats the cheapest HKS supercharger kit anyone has seen? Peace! Evilscorp.
  4. Yeah i know its an import, the guy has all the docs from the import company and is the only UK owner.
  5. evilscorp


    Hi trying to sell my prelude to buy a 350z but was wondering would it pass an MOT even tho it is leaking a little bit of powersteering fluid and a tiny bit of oil due to a cracked oil cooler? Or is the MOT just safety fetures etc.
  6. evilscorp


    lol sorry was just so excited and happy to mabe be paying less didnt want anyone else to miss out, The guy from the dvla said it may rise £10-15 when the next budget is announced but no where near £400. Peace! Evilscorp
  7. Thinking of buying this car, going to view it 2moz. Not going to go for the alloys as I would prefer to put my own style onto the car. http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/1575110.htm Let me know what you all think. Cheers Evilscorp.
  8. evilscorp


    Hi just to let people know, im thinking of buying an import 350z, it was imported after march 06 but the owner contacted the dvla and they are reducing his tax from £415 to £235! I phoned once and they said no this wasnt the tax rate for the car, then phoned a second time and asked them to speak to the import dept or somthing and they confirmed that if I bought the car I would only pay £235 in TAX! So if your payin lots for an import phone up and complain! Fingers crossed by this weekend I will be the owner of a import 350z!
  9. Mk 1 TT = a Golf with a sporty bodyshell = crap Mk 2 TT = nice, My dads TTS is rapid, classy, handles great but lacks feed back due to 4wheel drive and costs a fortune! Z4 = ok but unless you get a 3L or M3 engine its too slowwww!
  10. Yeah thats him. Did a good job m8 kitchen looks great, they just need the rest of the house sorted now lol.
  11. Fairlie, I think ive seen your car about you did some pluming? work or somthing at my m8s house, nice car btw! Seen a website http://www.superstreetonline.com/techar ... graph.html that shows good pics and instructions + no need for engine removal so will probs buy the HKS supercharger, once ive got used to and know the ins and outs of what ever car I buy. My Dads TTS is covered in ash mabe a couple mm, as he only uses it at weekends(reason i need a HKS SC as his TTS is faster than my prelude and a stock 350z. cant have that! lol) P.S any other buying tips and things to look out for appart from bad window sensors and the air bag light problem? Thanks
  12. Seen the white one but i fancy (once i save up after the Supercharger expendature) the veilside ver2 bodykit, was this bodykit that made me fall in love with jap cars and the 350z the car fetured in Max Power and is for sale in Edinbrough right now! but i would rather build my own car to my own specs. Ideally I want brembo's, light weight alloys and no BOSE stereo but that would be an import and an extra £100 in insurance!
  13. Geeze that was fast! didnt think i would get a response for a day or two lol, Yeh have been lookin at the HKS one as it looks smart and is what im after 400Hp max (at the moment). May have a look at the instuctions first before handing it over to get done for me as £2K is a lot for fitting i would say but im used to N/A reving hondas. Going to view 2cars at the weekend both silver how much extra do you pay for black as its the colour i would idealy be after? Thanks.
  14. Hi everyone, just thought i would join as im 95% set on buying a 350z in the next few weeks as im selling my old prelude(was nice but want rwd!) what do you recomend paying for a 2003-04 GT car with 60k miles or so, im a good haggler (and haggis eater) but dont want to go in too low and **** the sellers off. Ive got up 2 £11000 seen afew that are £11500 which seem a bit ott. Also whats the best supercharger to get (not the stillen Dont want the bonet bump) and how much would you recomend paying and how much to set aside to fit it(may try myself as im an engineer but no access to engine removal tools). Thanks! evilscorp!
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