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Everything posted by evilscorp

  1. my sis had a 1.4 K series rover ,60k and the headgasket went, wasnt worth fixin. anything but rover i say
  2. the reason there was a line was because i only sprayed over the scratches, didnt want to blend into good paint when the colour was way off, went back today and the woman said that they had made a mistake so she mixed up some wv2 (didnt have a WV2 G) and it looked very similar but due to fadeing i asked her to lighten it up,eventualy to a colour i thought was correct. When she went to fill up a can they had ran out :/ so she gave me it as a free touch up pen to test and said come back tues for a can and to say if the colour is right. Just tested the pen and it looks pritty good, going to sand down the test area 2moz to see how easy it is to blend. As for saying why would anyone try this themselfs, my question to you is why did man go to the moon? If you dont try things you will never better yourself, and will always think what if? Mabe i do make a hash of it at least i will know the £190 pro job is worth all that money, since ive only got a part time job due to the economic climate im happy ive got a car at all.
  3. nice! just wish i had the money for a bodykit then some more money for those as the lip sets them off gr8!
  4. looks very racey pitty the poor pedestrians will be looseing their legs if u hit em lol, are these legal?
  5. Mine is an import so dosent always show on comps for sum reason, read the previous posts about two shades of WV2 gunmetal grey but hasnt really helpd much. Will ask halfords for money 2moz or a better colour match if not will ask the dealer or these paints4you ppl? just a bit bumed as i wana go on the borders meet nxt month but not with a shi@$ bangger paint job!
  6. Posted a couple weeks back about an accident i had and scratched my car pritty bad, wanted to try repair it myself here are some pics as you can see (if you seen the previous posts pics) the scratches are 95% gone (the biggest one didnt get totally filled with the primer) but when I went to use Halfords gunmetal grey that they mixed for me instore as they had no off the self stuff this is what i got! (yes i did try it on sum paper but only did a quick pass and it look similar). Still need to sand it down as i put three coats on,hopefully it will; 1.come off, 2.look less dark 3.get my money back! Not sure if i will bother trying to blend it in and just go direct to nissan for the correct paint.
  7. Get an exhaust! If you do an interior mod nobody but you see's it and if you do an exterior mod you cant see it when ur in it but with an exhaust you get to hear it while your in it and it looks great on the outside!
  8. I payed £8300 for a 37000mile jdm gun metal, best/most money ive ever spent
  9. Yeh Irfan i was very pleased with my exhaust, I didnt make it easy for them wanted my own design. Only bad word to say was they didnt have the tail pipes i wanted and ended up driving down 2 or 3 times just to drive home again but in the end they got me some tail pipes im happy with as for the other 95% of metal work They worked from 8am till 11pm to get the car done enough said
  10. I thought the Golf GT was a petrol 1.4 turbo/supercharged engine? Great mpg and tax i believe and has potential cos its forced induction x2!
  11. couldnt be botherd taking time away from playing this game to read the previous posts all i have to say is battlefeild bad company 2. C&C class! might have to hunt out some old games like interstate 76 and heavy gear(old time favs)
  12. i left my old jdm one with planetperformance garage near glasgow, been kickin about there for a few weeks if u want you could probs get it off them cheap(it was in gd nick). But ur better off geting a new one as they make the engine sound soooo much better! help a bit in bhp dept aswell!
  13. kinda felt like smashin up sum bumper panels and using sticky take to fix it and say its my drift car lol make it look used
  14. mabe im just a cheap skate but for £200 i would have ago myself, cant cost much more if i make it worse just the problem of time as i may become a bit busy'r with a new job hopefully(atleast it would pay for the repair)
  15. For £150 to fix, i may have ago myself first, tryed resrayin b4 on my old car(was half ass as I didnt like the car anymore). Will only cost £10 for paint and ive got sum laq left, so will sand it down and give it a small layer of either filler or anti rust primer, sand that down the couple coats of paint(if i can get it!), another light sand then two coats of laq, will post up pics as i go, let u all have a laugh then when you confirm that its pants I will then pay the £200 to fit the damage x2 lol.
  16. just sum pics to show the final masterpiece!
  17. Does the exhaust cutouts sit at the same spot on the standard bumper? Has it got a coat of primer? (i cant quite tell)
  18. Was my first day at my new work, got there early to find no parking spaces except one in this super old tiny garage, took my time trying to manover the car into it as it was close to a wall on the oposite side and couldnt reverse in so had to fold in my mirrors and kept going in and out until 2cars turned up and i got flusterd and nervous cos it was my first day, ended up scratching my rear drivers wheel arch off the dam rough casted garage doorway! so anoyed with myself spent the whole day washing it and trying to rub out an impossible scratch with t-cut ANYWAY what im trying to say is i went to halfords to ask for gunmetal grey nissan paint but couldnt see any? is it under a diff name as there was a can that looked the same colour but diff name(still nissan) or am i better off going to nissan for it? OR should i not bother tryin myself and pay a pro to do it(how much we talking?)? HELP
  19. Sorry took so long had a wee acident and scratched my car been coming to terms with it and how im going to fix it.
  20. What about the Haynes manual for G35/350z anyone bought that? and if so is it a worth while buy?
  21. Got a carbon wrap on my 03 jdm bumper and I love it, matt black would be pritty good too. for the full bumpers respray I would say its a reasonalble price. Will try get a pic up of mine.
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